"You better get your mind back on the match, mate." Joe said with a knowing look. 

Liam's head whipped around to face Joe. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" 

Joe stepped away from him with his hands raised. "Hey, I call it as I see it, and you have it bad for the little redhead." 

"I think you should mind your own business." Liam snarled at him, slamming his pint down onto the table and picking up his darts. 

"Come on, Liam, you're up!" someone shouted. 

He strode over to the line in front of the dartboard and took aim for his first shot. His eyes focused on the board, and he took a deep breath to calm himself...big mistake. 

Just as he pulled back his arm to throw the dart, his nostrils filled with that vanilla scent again and his brain went to mush. The dart shot out of his hand and flew backwards landing between the feet of the landlord Mike. 

The Red Lion team roared with laughter as Mike jumped away from the missile, cursing loudly. 

"What the fuck was that, Liam?" he roared. 

He felt a flush running up his neck as all the men started laughing and teasing him. 

Rubbing his hand on his jeans, he apologised. "Sorry, Mike, it slipped. I think my hand was still wet from the beer Joe made me spill." Good save, he thought. 

"Well, just remember that the board is that way." Mike retorted, pointing to the dartboard. Everyone roared with laughter again, and Liam felt his hackles rise. 

He took aim for his second shot and used his rising anger to propel the dart forward. It landed in the triple twenty, and his team cheered. He threw the third dart quickly before he lost concentration again, and it followed the previous one into the triple twenty. 

"120!" shouted the scorer. 

He breathed a sigh of relief, and Joe slapped him on the back. "Nice one, mate." 

As he walked over to retrieve his darts, he glanced over his shoulder and saw Beth shaking her head as Ginny and Bunny spoke to her. 

"What the hell are those two up to?" 

Beth was being more agitated at Ginny and Bunny by the minute and held her hand up to stop them talking. 

"Now, just hold on a minute! You expect me to believe some cock and bull story about an ancient prophecy that randomly picks couples as a love match? Come on." 

"It's not random, Beth." Bunny replied, patting her hand. 

"There is a lot of magic in Cornwall. We have hundreds of legends, and if I hadn't witnessed the power of the stones for myself, I would be as sceptical as you. Now, Ginny tells me that you have had a visit from the Piskies. That, in itself, is proof that the stones have chosen to help you." 

"Who said I need any help? I am fine and don't need anyone, or anything, meddling in my personal life. As for your Piskies, that was just my overactive imagination combined with too much Tequila." 

Ginny laughed at her outburst. "Oh, Beth, who are you trying to kid? I've seen the pain in your eyes. I know that you are hurting deep inside, and that's what the stones sense as well." 

"Where are these bloody stones anyway? I haven't seen any." 

"The stone circle is over by the church, just behind the graveyard." Ginny answered. 

"Oh, well, that's just great! I suppose there are a couple of vampires and zombies over there waiting to party as well!" she snarled at them. "I need another drink." 

Pushing her chair back, she stood up and stormed towards the bar. 

"Well, that went well." Ginny sighed. 

Bunny smiled at her daughter. "Don't worry dear, all we have to do is get her inside the circle on midsummer's eve, and it will all work out. You just wait and see." 

"Yes, but what you're forgetting is that we have to get Liam there as well. And as hard as it will be with Beth, she has nothing on that stubborn man." 

They both looked up and stared at said stubborn man taking aim at the dartboard. 

Liam had stood up to take his next turn as Beth stormed out to the bar. He really needed to find out what was going on and decided he would do just that when the match was over. He had been rattled by the effect her scent was having on him. Every time he breathed in, it was all he could smell and it sent shivers down his spine. 

"Right, Liam, you can finish this with three darts. Don't let us down." Joe called over to him. 

"Yeah, right!" he retorted. Any other night, that would have been a piece of cake as he was the best player on the team. Tonight, though, his game was definitely off, and he could only think of one reason for that. 

He straightened up, took aim, and threw his first dart. The arrow flew true to its target and straight into the double 18. 

"Yes!" his team cheered. 

"Just seven and a double top to win the game!" Joe said. 

He took aim again, and the dart flew true into the seven. 

Another roar went up from his team, and he grinned at them. 

He knew they had it in the bag now. How many times had he hit double top? He felt his body relax. 

Pulling his arm back, he went to release his final dart. As he did so, the door flew open and Beth struggled through it, carrying three drinks. He couldn't stop his eyes from flicking over to look at her as that damn vanilla scent hit him again. The dart flew out of his hand and rocketed toward the dartboard... or so he thought. 

It was the yelp of pain, and the groan from his team, that drew his head back to the board. The guy doing the scoring was hopping around on one leg cursing loudly. His final dart was sticking out of the leg the guy held in the air. 

Liam just stared at the sight of his dart impaled in the poor man's leg. "Shit!" 

The Red Lion team cheered, knowing they had won. His team were looking at him as if he was an alien. 

He rushed up to his victim who visibly flinched as he drew near. 

"I am so sorry, I don't know what happened. Let me help." 

"Stay away from me, you lunatic. You've been aiming for me all night. What the hell have I ever done to you?" 

"Hey, it was an accident. I said I was sorry." Liam stiffened as the guy glared at him. 

Joe rushed over and pulled him away. "Come on, mate, let the others sort it out. I think you need a stiff drink." 

The rest of the team slapped him on the back, saying it wasn't his fault, and they would get another chance to beat the Red Lion, but Liam was beyond embarrassed and turned to head for the bar with Joe.

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