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It's okay my children. Just carry on wayward sons...don't stop reading. :]

"Honestly this date is for you Harry." Zayn finally says after he has gained his composure.

"It is?" Zayn nods and says "Yep."

"May I ask why?"

"Last Friday when I took you to that date, that wasn't really me. I'm not that picky or rude and mean usually and I'm really sorry. I was just guessing that maybe you'd like me if I change a bit. But that didn't turn out right at all." Zayn admits. Harry never would have thought that he was the reason a big super star would want to change themselves. He feels kind of guilty, it's only right if he apologizes too.

"I'm sorry I made you feel like you needed to change. I was being a real shitty person, so yeah. I'm sorry too." Harry looks up and finds Zayn staring at him adoringly and he can't help but to smile at him.

"That doesn't explain how you were able to get in my house. Care to explain?"

"Only if you go on this date with me." Zayn is looking between Harry and the table nervously, waiting for an answer. Its the most precious thing Harry has ever seen. He can't help but say yes."

Harry pointed to the girl with red hair out of all the raised hands in the room. She looked like she was second guessing this whole question thing. The girl shuffled in her seat, she didn't look any older than 19. "Yes, girl with the red hair."

The girl straightened her posture in her chair and cleared her throat. "Uh. It is true that you were a book critique before this, right? I don't know if this is right but I just heard you were."

"That's right. May I ask why you asked that question?" Harry tilted his head as the girl who just slouched in her seat a bit. "I just wanted to know if you get your inspiration from other writers."

"That is a great question." Harry sent a friendly smile at the girl. It seemed to have calmed her down. "I actually do find inspiration from other writers. When you have been reading books for a long time, you find out the genre, fluency, and styles of writing you like most. Knowing that kinda helps you decide on how you want to write." Harry raised an eyebrow. "Are you interested in writing?"

The girl nodded shyly. "I wish you luck with that." Harry said genuinely.

"Any more questions?" Harry proceeded to ask. About 20 hands rose in the air. Harry pointed a girl in blue cardigan. "Blue sweater."

"How come you used people names that we know about? Including yours."

"Well," Harry says. "I didn't know using your own name was cocky until after it was printed."

The whole room broke out in giggles. "But really I wanted everything in this book to be perfect. And keeping these names just seemed right, and perfect."

Then the whole room broke out in aw's as if the people in it were controlled by a some type of sound machine.

"Well I guess we know where you got your motivation from." Someone shouted from the back. The whole room broke out in laughter, and Harry couldn't help but laugh with. He cleared his throat and brought the mic closer to his mouth. "And that everybody is why I did not read the next chapter." The room filled with people laughing again. Harry couldn't stop smiling. He was so happy with himself. He made a room full of people laugh, and it wasn't a fake one either. These people seemed like they were having a good time. Yet, all good things must come to an end.

"Sorry to say this but I can only take one more question. Then I'll sign your books, after I have to get going." This time when all the girls awed but not in the happy way.

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