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The Zayn Malik doesn't get sick. In winter, when he was in fourth grade, Zayn remembers seeing one or two kids leave class early or not show up at all because they were sick. When those one came back it seems another one or so would leave. Zayn was never one of those kids. So, in the eighth grade, when his science teacher was speaking to them about about diseases and viruses, Zayn bragged the whole class about how he never got sick.

Three days later Zayn was pronounced influenza positive. It lasted a week. All the medicine and tissues was just aggravating and the way he felt like he could pass out on the spot was a great help. After about the fourth day a boy from down the street came over. A boy that's about a year or two older than Zayn, with caramel hair, and crystal blue eyes. His name was-and still is- Louis. He came over because Zayn was missing out on a lot of work and he was the closest person in their grade that lives near Zayn. With him he brought his back pack, a skateboard, and a bag of Cheetos and apple juice. When he offered some to Zayn it made him feel ten times better. After that day Louis came over to Zayn's house almost everyday. With his skateboard and his red and blue Spider Man book bag. And when he's sick Cheetos puffs and apple juice.

So, maybe that's why Zayn always has to get these items when he's sick. It makes him feel better and it's familiar.

Zayn doesn't think he'll ever get these things out a store ever again though. He was purchasing that stuff when he was talking to that cute boy. But what that boy had said- Harry's his name- was a blow to the gut. Yeah, he knows there are haters out there; the mean things people tweet about him, newspaper critics, and false magazine articles. This was straight to his face though. Harry genuinely didn't like him. This beautiful boy didn't even know him.

And maybe that's why it's hard to deal with what Harry said. He's so handsome, and fit, and sexy. Before Harry started speaking Zayn was honestly going to try and strike up a conversation with him. Zayn doesn't do that. Ever.

Plus, Harry didn't know it was Zayn. Everything he said had to be true!


Zayn's in a slump now, all confidence drained from his body. He doesn't want to move but there is a series of bangs at his door and he knows it's Louis. He doesn't want to say what happen out loud, put it in words, how he's all depressed because a face in the crowd doesn't like him. But it's Louis, so Zayn gets up anyway.

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