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"Why would you that Harry?!"

"I was just being honest Niall. I didn't even know it was him until a couple days later." Harry argues. Niall just rolled his eyes and started tapping his phone.

He told Niall about the little problem with him being a critic. Of course, Niall was furious. As one of the biggest male Zayn Malik fans, how did Harry not expect him to be upset. But when he told Niall about the mishap, he thought was actually going to hit him. Niall had gave him that crazy mean look he gives people when they're messing with Harry or Nick or if someone steals his drink. Harry never thought he'd be the one to receive such a glare.

"Niall I promise I didn't mean to." Harry pleaded.

"It's okay Harry." Niall looked up.

"Really?" Harry asked. A hopeful tint in his voice.

"Course it will. Right after you apologize to him. So lets go, he has an apartment nearby." Niall stared in his eyes and Harry froze. Was Niall crazy? Harry can't just go up to someone, a famous someone, and say, 'I'm sorry I said you sucked. And I was kidding even though I had know idea it was you.'. He just couldn't. But Niall has the other crazy look in his eyes. The one filled with determination and if you don't do what I say I'm gonna kill you look. Harry can't refuse.

"He has a place nearby?"

"Yep. Just said that

So he sighs and picks up his keys and sweater. Shoes already on. "Did you just look that up?"

Niall thinks. "No. Actually I've known for ages, but you know I wanna respect his privacy."

They're out the door.


Harry thinks about running, turn around and flee from the scene, but he remembers his clumsiness and holds that thought in his pocket.

He glances at Niall then holds up a shaky fist and beats onto the door. There's a moment of silence before a high pitched voice slices through it with a loud 'coming'.

Soon enough the door is thrown open. The boy standing there is around Niall's height. He has brown hair and bluish- grayish eyes. He's cute, Harry thinks.

"Hi Niall, how's it going?"

"Same as last time Lou."

Obviously this Lou guy knows Niall, but isn't this Zayn Malik's apartment? That guy isn't him.

Harry nudges Niall's shoulder. The boy looks at him, confused, but the he lets a small oh.

"I don't know what's wrong with me but, Louis this is my best friend Harry. Harry this is my friend Louis."

Harry reaches to shake Louis' hand but the boy is suddenly faking how hurt he is to be just a friend. Niall tries no to laugh. Harry isn't really paying attention, to busy noticing a figure inside.

"Hello?" Harry calls out, moving into the apartment. Ignoring all uneasiness inside his stomach, he calls out. "uhm. Is that you Zayn? Zayn Malik?"

A huffed out 'shit' could be heard and then feet moving around.

"Yeah, its me."

"Well I don't know if you remember me but it's Harry. That guy from-

"I know who you are Harry. How can I forget?"

Harry sighs. He'd knew Zayn wouldn't have taken it well. Who would?

"That's why I'm here. I'm really sorry about what I said. It was immature and untrue."

"If it was untrue why'd you say it."

Harry gasps a little. That question wasn't unexpected. It real wasn't, but he'd never thought about why he did it. Maybe it's the reason that Harry was some small time boy that wanted to get famous for his singing. Wanted to be a big thing, a person people adored. Being able to go to award shows that only the the best of the best get to go to. Being able to give a piece of what he loved to others has been his dream since he can remember. he didn't accomplish any of that though. Yeah, he has  decent home and a good paying job, friends. That's not what he wanted though.

The here you have Zayn. A guy close to Harry's age and did it. He got famous, he goes to award shows. Sold out concerts, fancy food and luxurious hotel rooms. Harry has none of that. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe Harry is jealous. Jealous that Zayn made it. The small time boy from the small town made it to the big league, doing what he loves and having fun doing it. Harry feels like Zayn stole Harry's opportunity to get big. Harry never understood why he thought that, but he feels like it's Zayn's fault that he isn't famous.

And it's really not. It never was.


I dedicated this story to you because even though you haven't read it yet you've helped boost my confidence to continue it from one of our little small talks about finishing stories. *mwa* you're amazing.

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