When Ji Xiunian recalled this scene, he didn't think it was a psychological shadow, but rather like a light shining into his soul.

Seeing Ji Xiunian looking down at him, Lu Xu greeted him with a calm and generous expression as usual: "Good morning, Brother Nian."

"Good morning." Ji Xiunian smiled unconsciously when he saw Lu Xu, then said goodbye to them and went to the tutor group first.

"Do you feel that Brother Nian is different today?" Xu Lele looked at Ji Xiunian's leaving figure and asked unconsciously.

Song Zhe and the others also nodded, thinking about Ji Xiunian's attitude thoughtfully: "It seems a little different from before. He loves to laugh more and is easier to get along with."

It's not that they think Ji Xiunian is difficult to get along with, it's just that Ji Xiunian rarely smiled before, and his temperament was aloof and cold, which always made people feel a little unapproachable.

However, today his tone was brisk and his demeanor was cheerful, and he looked like he was in a good mood.

Xu Lele thought for a moment and made a bold guess: "Brother Nian is not in love, right?"

Many people suddenly change either because of circumstances or because of love.

"The iron tree is blooming?" Han Tianyu suddenly said this when he heard this. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he couldn't help but raise his hands to express that he had no other meaning. "I just think it's very rare for Brother Nian to have no scandals or romantic partners for ten years since his debut. I don't know how. Who plucked this cold flower?"

A few people got together and couldn't help but start analyzing what kind of person Ji Xiunian would be if he fell in love.

But he is usually too low-key and cherishes his feathers too much. He doesn't even have a scandal target, so there is no way to guess his preferences.

"I can't get out during the recording period. Could it be that it's from our show?"

Xu Lele had a sudden idea, which was instantly denied by others.

"I'm afraid the only girl our program team can stand up to is Teacher Qin. There's obviously nothing wrong with the two of them."

"It's definitely not Teacher Weiwei, is it someone from outside the circle?"

"I don't know what Sister Nian looks like. I always feel that Brother Nian is so good-looking that it would be easy to compare him to others..."

Seeing that their thoughts were getting further and further away, Lu Xu snapped his fingers to bring them back to their senses: "Brother Nian just smiled and you can analyze the relationship. If he smiles a few more times, will you even give him the child?" Is it arranged? It's almost done, hurry up and get ready to record the show."

"Ah, ah, if Brother Xu didn't tell me, I would have forgotten it. Now I'm nervous when I think about announcing the rankings..." Xu Lele didn't want to be eliminated so soon, and she was nervous when she thought that this was the announcement of the rankings.

f4 went to lurk early to listen to the rankings, and came out of the director's room to find Lu Xu.

As soon as he saw Lu Xu, He Xinghua was super excited and said to him: "Master Lu Xu, you are number one!"

"Congratulations, sir, your popularity is No. 1 on site and online."

"As expected of my lord, this strength is really too strong!"


The four ghosts circled around Lu Xu excitedly. Seeing that Lu Xu won the first place, they were obviously more happy than the person involved.

Lu Xu looked at them and smiled and shook his head. Then he entered the studio and sat down to wait for the recording of the program according to his previous level.

"Have you estimated the ranking? I feel like I'm almost seventy out of the rankings, and I will definitely be eliminated."

"I'm about the same. I feel like today is my last shot."

"Hey, hey, I'm so nervous."

"Why haven't you started yet? If you extend your head, it's a knife. If you shrink your head, it's a knife. Why don't you announce it sooner?"


The trainees huddled together and whispered their opinions about today's recording, obviously well prepared.

After the instructors were in place, the host Liang Da came on stage and announced that the recording of the program had officially begun: "Hello fellow trainees, the fourth episode of "The Birth of an Idol" has been recorded and finally has its first release. Today we will The rankings are announced, and only 55 trainees can stay to participate in the subsequent recording..."

Only 55 out of 100 people remain, so the elimination ratio is not low.

After hearing this, everyone inevitably whispered to each other, guessing each other's ranking, and felt very nervous inside.

Liang Da looked at the statistics table, and then began to announce the rankings: "55th, Zhou Yu... 82nd, Yao Yulong..."

The author has something to say: Ah, ah, if you are timid, I started listening to "Song of Socialist Core Values" when I wrote "Devil's Bay". I'm afraid it's too late, so I'll update these first and come out before 12 o'clock, humble A Fei online 233

Good night everyone╭(╯3╰)╮Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-03-20 21:24:30~2020-03-20 23:17:20 ~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 43557833, Mendeleev 1;

Thank you to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 12 bottles for being extremely lazy; today is also a waste of names, Civil Affairs Bureau, 10 bottles for Shi Ling; Cha Fei, Tong Xi, I Met You Many Years Ago, and Ze Ze 5 bottles; _ (°:3∠)_bald. 3 bottles; 1 bottle for Huangxiaopang, apig~, Zhou Ziheng, and Wangshan Baosumama;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt