Chapter 6

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I hate even to think it but I miss the mafia house, at least there I had a bed, I'm sleeping on a shitty mattress on the floor, the older ladies got the beds, and pretty much just me and this girl named Lucy had to sleep on the floor. 

Then the light flashed in all our eyes, Bridget walked in with a spray bottle and sprayed all our faces until we got up "Alright ladies, Pandroa you are upfront today, we have a special guest who will love to see you dancing" she smiled then pushed me into the cupboards to get dressed. 

 I went to grab what I usually wear "No, that gets too many people's attention, I want you in this" She pulled out a lace body suit and more clothes than I've worn all week so I'm happy. Bridget left leaving us girls alone again "They just want to impress someone, and like you a lot, Pritty does the special guests" Lucy smiled at me, We call each other our stage names and I honestly couldn't tell you these girls' real names, I'm almost sure they don't remember. 

The music turned on and we all walked out to see the place empty other than the regulars, Not many people make their way here in the morning, it picks up around lunchtime. 

I danced on the front pole, being watched is like second nature to me now, Having all these guys watching me half-naked while I rub my body up and down the pole to the music isn't something that creeps me out anymore, I find I have started to like the attention I get, I definitely get more than the other girls. 

As lunchtime rolled around I watched more and more people come into the club, while I was dancing I noticed a lot of men in black suits walk in, I think I recognized them, maybe from a night before. 

I decided to focus on the en staring at me and throwing money at the floor, They seemed to be enjoying my company. It wasn't until someone was sat in front of me my stomach dropped. 

Ace sat in the chair I danced mostly for in this spot, he wasn't looking this way but Luca and Snow were and they looked mad. I felt my heart rate rise and this may be my way out of this hell hole. Snow looked up at me and mouthed Are you ok? I shook my head and exposed bruises from where they had thought no one would see the marks they left. 

He nodded, looked over at Luca then Ace, Ace wasn't watching he was on his phone. I looked away from them, feeling relief would make Bridget see a change in my performance. I looked over to the room, The men I saw at Ace's mafia base were scattered over the room hopefully to save me. 

Luca looked up at me and I felt his eyes on me, I looked down and this caused Ace to look up at me. His expression isn't something I can explain, he looked relieved then his face went angry and his knuckles turned white. 

I didn't stop dancing, even as Ace ran his eyes down my body and I just wanted to run out the door with him and Luca. But Bridget was watching and she looked at me with daggers. Ace turned and looked at her, The guy she is always with put his arm around her, Ace stood and held his hand on his gun holster. 

The other girls noticed something going on when Ace got to the two, he yelled something then someone fired a gun and the lights went out. An arm snaked around my waist, I tried to fight it until a familiar voice whispered in my ear "It's me prinţesă" Ace's voice said relaxing me. I cuddled myself into his arms and let him carry me. 

something switched in me at that point, he wasn't the scary mafia guy he was last month, and now he's the guy who cared enough to save me. Not sure what to do with these newfound feelings for Ace but I'll figure them out. 

Ace ran us outside and threw me into the backseat of a car then properly looked at me "What did they do" he said running a hand over my leg where bruises began to form, I looked up at him " That doesn't matter, I just wanna lay in a real bed" I said holding his arm as he for some reason looked at me with he same look I gave him. Maybe he also has these newfound feelings. 

we didn't have time to think or even speak before Ace was rushed into the front seat and the car was moving at an alarming speed. I don't remember how long it took to get home, I wasn't awake for a lot of it. Luca was in the back with me and I heard his voice telling me to stay away from him and Ace. 

Luca kept me awake, Even though I was so tired I could have fallen asleep in a hurricane I stayed awake to the sound of his voice. As the car came to a halt, I reached down to see what the liquid on my side was, As I brought my hand up it was red. Was I shot? 

Luca yelled something at Ace and he turned around and it was like all the blood drained from his face "Ace I'm losing her" Luca yelled as my eyes fell heavy. 


She wasn't meant to get caught up in my troubles, When Arya was taken I assumed she'd be locked up and I'd use her for things as I pleased. But when she was taken it took a toll on me for some reason, I barely spoke to her yet it was like my best friend was ripped from my arms. So finding her dancing on a pole covered in bruises and mean staring at what is mine made me crazy and it got Arya shot. 

Snow drove like a maniac to the nearest hospital and we got her into surgery quickly. Luca and Snow waited by my side as she was in surgery, Five long hours passed before someone had news, and I was going crazy. 

As the doctor walked up to us she almost looked sorry "What's wrong, is she dead?" I asked almost desperate, I've never been like this. 

The doctor looked down at me somehow as I was taller than her. The doctor shook her head "As far as injuries go she will be fine, but I am concerned with the bruises" My stomach dropped "I have had someone contact the police and you can see her until further notice" the doctor said. 

Only now am I happy that we don't use our real names at these places, how would I explain that what I said is my girlfriend is actually the girl I bought for my Mafia and I just busted her out of another Mafia base that gave her the bruises. Yeah, can't tell the world that story. 

I had men escort Arya out of the building and had men change into the security uniform, nurses uniforms, cop uniforms, and all. they scattered and we got Arya out without anyone noticing. They think the police checked her out, the nurse signed her discharge and the security watched us leave. 

Eventually, we got home, Luca and I got Arya into her bed, and the noise she made as her head hit the pillow could bring any man to their knees. Arya held my hand as I was leaving "Don't go" she whispered. Luca was already gone, I looked back at Arya and she was almost asleep again, I pushed her to the other side of the bed and got in next to her, my bed is way comfier. 

Arya cuddled into my arm, She was freezing and I'm naturally hot so I didn't think anything of it, I did however feel her lips against my arm and her small breaths blowing out on my arm as she fell asleep. 

I promised myself I wouldn't fall for this girl, I promised myself that I wouldn't even build a relationship with her to be called a friendship, but I believe I am breaking that promise to myself and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it, I can't hurt this woman without hurting myself. So as I laid her with her I promised myself something different.

Don't hurt her, but don't fall in love, and definitely don't show it. 


Sorry, this chapter was so late everyone, but my internet has been being an idiot. 

Chapter 7 will be out Tuesday as normal :)

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