24the truth about angles

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i woke up the next day in the hospital room again

light shining in from the window blinded my vision for a second. i hear a slite noeys coming from the door. i look over at the door that open. a man in a ........

it was doctor....

he cloths the door and looks over at me oh your awake thats good. he walks over to me takes hes ......and places it on my chest to listen the sound of my hart and my breathing.

the door opens again i look over to see dominick standing their closing the door

how is he doc the door clicks shut he looks over hes good to go. good

domink is holding what looks to be clothes in his hands

hes wearing a uniform black pants light blue plaid tie with a button up jacket opened to revil a plain white button up shirt

what the hell are your wearing? I said laughing my ass off

a uniform Dominick replys

why? I asked

becouse the school requirs it we all have to were uniforms here. Dominick says

this is a hospital you know that right? I told him in confused.

its a hospital in side a school. Dominick said.

that makes no sences why would their be one in side a school? why would we be in a school? What are u smoking crack? If so can i have some i jokingly replayed.

Oh my god no its a hospital inside of a school to teach students and to help the sick when the sinetised do research to cure them. Were at this school so we can keep you safe. Dominick replys with fustration

why did you need to keep me safe in side a school shouldnt i be at home or in a real hospital room not a nurses office? I asked

we are in a hospital and this is the safest place to be rn. Dominick said

Okay whats with the uniform anyway is this some kind of jock your playing on me because its kinda funny? I said lughing.

were not at the school ....... were here at this one .... Dominick said.

Okay all jocks aside if that was true why we dont even go to this school your talking about and we dont were uniforms. I said.

No were here to keep u safe and the angels and humans cant be. The uniforms are to keep everyone in cheack. Dominick whispers under his breath this is why i didn't were the armor.

My head hurts to much from your talking. I got your jock so stop trying its funny haha. I said in annoyed town of voice.

would you take this sereasly please. Dominick gets more abd more annoyed.

your the one coming up with storys. I said

as if i would lie about something like this. this is not some fucking jock zack. Dominick says

i get it now your trying to get me to get me to belive your make belive story crape. So u can say haha i got u. I said with a Saturn voice.

for fuck sakes no. Dominick said

ive heard enough dominic im redy to go home when is my mom coming to pick me up shes probably worryed and im so done with this. i get it i hit my head or somthing im going crazy just give me some medication or what ever and lets go home.

your note crazy and u dot need medication.

then whats wrong with me to think all this up in my head. Why am i here? how did i get here?

Dominick everything u seen that night was real i.. Im sorry i didnt tell u sooner.

Then why? I said

this is reale im sorry you dont understand but im trying to explaing the best way i know how .

i think im ganna be sick. my head is swiming in thoughts. a panick attack sets in

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