5 class ended

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The next day

6 peread ended

the bell rings and all the students rush to pack their bages and leave. elisabith meet up with Dominick and me at the front of the school to walk home. AS we all start walking home .

Elizabeth asked hey what happened to you i heard you had a heat stroke are u okay

Yeah im fine now zack

Strange yesterday wasn't to hot out and you passed out in the classroom doesn't the teacher's have ac or something Elizabeth says

It was just a long day he needed to rest Dominick replys

As we stopped at Elizabeth house that was white with a dark blue trim. The door was also white with windows on the side as the house was surrounded with green grass & had a tree in Front of it.

Dominick and i started walking home.

"I really hate this place".

"Why"? Dominick asked me.

"Because of all the shit going on people getting sick but this virus call the flue and their dyeing & on top of that people go missing all the tine now".

"Your just looking at it all wrong".

"All wrong? at any given time that could be us u think that just because this town hasn't gotten hit buy it its not gonna effect you and what if it does then what sooner or later we all will get the virus".

"Your right im sorry".

"No were just going through a hard time right now".

As we arrived at my house kicking the gate open a brick path up to the door I slide the key in the door nobe and turned it walking inside to go run up stair's half way up a voice calls out. "Hey boys ill make lunch  if your hungry". We turned to look at the foot of the steps stood a woman with bark brown hair. With eyes that were dark blue. Her hands and clothes coverd with a white powed. She had on a work uniform black bants with black heals and a button down shirt.

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"Thanks mom" I said giving her a smile

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"Thanks mom" I said giving her a smile. She looked beat tired and ready for a nap.

"Long day"? I asked.

"Yes this lady came in today. On of my coworkers messed up an order and came out with the wrong food. The lady was so upset it almost costed her job."

"Im sorry miss .... Dominic replied back".

"U boys run alone now and make sure to do your homework".

Dominic opened the door to the room fild with posters of game characters and atchion figurs up on the desk with ben bag chairs to sit on.

only to throw his back pack on the ground and flops onto the bed. I set my back pack right nexted to his and sit down on the bed next to dominick falling backwards onto a pillow.

the bed was big.

" im so tired i cried out". Dominic turns his head to look at me laying face down on the bed.

"What homework u have to do? Dominic asked."

"just some stupid history assignment I have to right up. something about the mythical story's the old people have have told. past down from generations. these people called the ..... I told him."

"Nice I know that story he said roiling onto his back to go sit up". he leans over to grab is backpack. as he starts shuffling throw it its all Fild with crumbled up papers and nothing organized he grabs a binder out of his bag pulling loss papers with as everything falls out onto the ground. he sets the binder onto the bed and starts to pick up everything that fell onto the ground throwing it back into the bag.
"you should really clean your bag out i get up to go help him as i notice a paper laying on the ground i go to pick it up i look down to glance at it right before Dominic swipes it right out of my hands aggressively . his actions cout me off gard hes never acted this way.

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