Chapter 5

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I didn't expect this to get 100 reads??
Thank you so much, here's an extra chapter!

Danny got back to his room in Wayne manor at 6AM. He was lucky he didn't need as much sleep as normal people, or he'd be more exhausted than usual the next morning. Just two hours of sleep would be enough to get him through the day.

He showered before going to bed, noticing the sheets had been changed during the day. That ruled out the bed as a safe hiding spot.

Danny searched the room for any small, unnoticeable spaces that the blood sample could be stashed until the following night.

He though about phasing it into the walls, but he wasn't sure how that would work. Would it be crushed by the matter already there, or would it move to make room for the little vial? He'd have to test that out with another object later.

After a good while of looking, Danny eventually settled on the heating vents under the floor. They were separate from the A/C vents and wouldn't be in use in the summer.

Once it was safely hidden away, Danny could finally relax. He found himself relieved to be back in the comfortable bed.

The next morning, he woke before Alfred could come to get him. Not sure what to do, he got dressed and left his room. The place was still a maze, but at least he could find his way to the dining room.

Unfortunately, the dining room wasn't what he was looking for. After the incident with that ghost the night before, Danny couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He had Jazz's number memorized, so all he had to do was find a phone.

Before he could do that, however, he was startled by a voice he didn't recognize.

"What are you doing?"

Danny jumped, spinning around to see Tim. The ghost boy had never seen Tim awake, so it made sense that he didn't recognize his voice.

Tim stood in the doorway of a room that Danny assumed was his. He was fully dressed for the day, but his eyebags indicated that he had never gone to sleep in the first place.

"I woke up early, so I felt like waking around. My bad, I should've asked for permission to leave my cell," Danny replied sarcastically, not in the best mood due to the whole 'family might be in danger' thing.

He felt bad for snapping at the other boy, especially after seeing Tim's hurt expression.

"Hey, you know this isn't a punishment or anything, right? It's not like we're keeping you locked up!"

"It certainly feels that way, what with the whole not being able to leave the manor thing."

"Nobody said you couldn't leave! Someone just has to go with you to make sure you don't..."


"...Run off and get yourself into trouble."

Before their argument could get any more heated, they were interrupted by a third, younger voice.

"Pennyworth says it's time for breakfast. I suggest you both get there on time," Damian's threatening glare was slightly contradicted by the white cat that was purring in his arms.

The boy turned to leave, and the two older boys followed.

When they arrived in the dining room, Tim sat down next to Dick, which meant Danny was stuck sitting next to the feral child.

Once Bruce entered, he took his seat at the head of the table and breakfast was served. Danny was still full from dinner the night before, but he managed to eat a piece of toast, leaving the sausage and eggs untouched.

The tension in the air was practically tangible. Once Bruce couldn't handle the discomfort anymore, he finally broke then silence.

"Okay, what's going on? Tim and Damian aren't even fighting, so I know something's up."

That's normal for them??

"Oh, I think Danny has done my part for the day," Damian stated, before returning to his food.

"Danny and Tim are fighting?" Dick asked. Danny had been so quiet during his time at the manor, this seemed uncharacteristic of him.

"Certainly sounded like it," why couldn't Damian just keep his mouth shut?

Danny and Tim stayed silent for a moment, before one of them finally spoke up.

"It wasn't a fight, just a disagreement," Tim said.

"Just a little difference of opinions," Danny agreed. It seemed like they both wanted to avoid making Bruce angry.

"Well then, would you mind telling me what this 'disagreement' was about?" Bruce interrogated.

yet another silence, before,

"He said he felt a little... trapped. At the manor."


"And I said it isn't a prison."

This time, it was Bruce who stayed quiet. Had he really been isolating the boy that much?

"Look, I understand wanting to go out. That's perfectly fine. But someone as young as you shouldn't be going out alone. If you want to go somewhere, just ask and we'll take you, as long as it's within reason." Bruce finally gave in.

"Hold on, Bruce, How old do you think I am?" Danny was suddenly hit with a realization. Since the accident that gave him his powers, he had aged slowly.

"13? 14?" Bruce guessed.

Danny laughed, surprising everyone at the table.

"I'm 16. I'll be 17 in February."

Well that was certainly unexpected. Even to Danny. He only noticed after he had spoken that he had given them more personal information. Information that could be used to research him.

Oh hell.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You just look so much younger than that."

Right. Still in the middle of a conversation.

"It's fine, that's what most people think anyways."

"Back on topic, though, is there anywhere specific you want to go?"

This was Danny's chance. He knew exactly what he needed to do.

"Well," Danny chose his words very carefully, "A friend of mine is having this concert tonight, and I told her I'd be there..."

Bruce thought about it for a moment. How bad could a teenager's concert be? Was she in an orchestra? maybe a garage band?

"Alright," Bruce conceded, "But someone does still have to come with you. Gordon's trusting us to keep an eye on you."

"Well, in that case, could I bring Tim?"

Tim, who had been watching this whole interaction along with the others, looked caught off guard.

"I just figured it'd be a good way to apologize for being rude earlier. My friend can get us in for free, so he wouldn't have to pay for a ticket or anything."

"That should be all right, as long as Tim agrees," Bruce said, taking his son's own feelings into account.

Tim nodded, "I'll go. There's no reason for you to be stuck in the manor, and it honestly sounds like fun."

That was the last that was said about that, as everyone had long since finished their meals and were ready to go. Danny and Tim left the dining room together.

"So, what kind of concert are we going to? I'll warn you I fell asleep at the last symphony concert I attended."

Danny grinned mischievously, "Trust me, you won't fall asleep at this one. You know the musician Ember?"

Tim's eyes widened, "No fucking way."
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