True Colors

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3rd POV

Everything was now hopeless. Poppy let her and her people down. Caspian failed to protect his family and his people from Bergens and Creek's betrayal. All hope seems lost. Caspian was still crying on the corner of the jar while Poppy and the rest of the trolls, thanks to Creek getting Poppy's cowbell, luring the Trolls to get captured for Trollstice.

Caspian was still in despair and saddened, he failed at everything. All his strength, hope and determination were gone. He hopes that his pray for Cordelia will be answered, that was 10 minutes ago. He waited, waited, waited and waited, but nothing was answered.

Caspian was now depressed and hopeless, as he was still crying. Until, a beam of light caught his attention then he felt a pair of warm, loving and soothing arms wraps around him in motherly manner.

???: Don't cry, my little child. There's always hope, when you need me.

Caspian gasped and looked up, It was Cordelia. She finally arrived after she answered his prayer for her.

 She finally arrived after she answered his prayer for her

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Caspian: Cordelia!

He ran up to him and hugged her, she was surprised at first before hugging him back. Soon, he started to crying again on her shoulder as Cordelia shushing him in motherly manner. He pulls away as Cordelia gently wipe his tears with her fingers.

Cordelia: Don't cry, my little child. There is always hope, Caspian.

Caspian: No, Cordelia. I failed! I failed to protect them! I failed to warn him! I failed, everything!

Cordelia: Caspian...

Caspian: Listen, maybe Creek's right. I am just a cowardly burden human! I tried to warn them, but Creek stole Poppy's cowbell which attracts the trolls and allowing the Bergens capturing them. This is all my fault! I wish I wasn't born in this world! I don't belong here anymore!

He looks away, falls down and cries. Cordelia understood about his failure, but she has a strong sense of hope and determination. She kneels down to his level and gently placed her hand on his shoulder which made him look at her.

Cordelia: Caspian, my dear, listen. There's only one thing you should never forget: Hope.

Caspian: But I lost all of my hope, Cordelia.

Cordelia: Hope is the last thing ever lost. You may failed to protect your people from Creek's betrayal, but there's always hope, and It's inside of you.

Caspian: Me?

Cordelia: Yeah, Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. Trust me, Caspian, there's always hope, and there's someone who can free them.

Caspian looks at her in worried, troubled and confused expression as Cordelia sat down next to him.

That Time I Got Reincarnated In Trolls (Trolls x Male! OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu