> "I Pinky Promise" <

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Tagged - @KarlJacobs



Pokimane - @Pokimanelol
i love you guys 🥹❤️
Y/N - @U/N
I love you more 🫣

Sylvee - @Sylveemhm
the girls called it @hannahxxrose @tinakitten
Y/N - @U/N
they manifested it 😧😧

MrBeast - @MrBeast

Karl:) - @KarlJacobs
couldn't let my girl be tired AND walk on the ground
Y/N - @U/N
Karl:) - @KarlJacobs
Sapnap - @Sapnap

Mae - @User18186
does that mean karlnap isn't real

Ross - @User9012
Luke probably so happy he cheated
Rachel - @User018
who still gaf about Luke it's been years
Millie - @User1733
Reply to Ross:

User1927 - @User1927
she gonna leave him soon fs

🥕 - @a_vegetable
this was so unexpected, totally

NO - @User18837
L relationship

zoey - @User10183


Stepping out of the car has never been harder to do, my body tensed. "I can't do it." I muttered, even surprising myself.

"Baby, you can do it. You've put so much work into this and the movie is going to be fantastic." Karl held onto my hand, his words soft.

I could hear cameras clicking and fans screaming as they lined up outside to see me walk in.

"What if everything goes wrong, what if I'm just not good enough?" I broke out into a sob, but I tilted my head up to not ruin the makeup.

"You are more than enough and what if everything goes right?" Karl kissed my temple, "If you need to leave or need support, I won't be more than a feet away from you." He promised me. This was a new chapter of promises, promises we knew we wouldn't break.

"Okay." I tried gaining confidence as Karl stepped out and held out a hand to help me out.

I smiled wide as I waved at nearby fans, the atmosphere got stuffy as we walked the carpet. It's as if the sun had cleared the clouds in my mind as Karl whispered nothing but sweet words into my ears.

The first interviewer stopped me to ask questions, my hand immediately went to grab Karl's hand, his rings pressing into my palms.


I: You look so beautiful this evening! Can I ask you to describe this movie in one word?
Y: Ooh, I have to think about that. Maybe thrilling.

I: Wow, that is just amazing and we cannot be more excited for this premiere. Now I have to ask, is this gentleman your significant other?
Y: I beamed. Yes! This is my boyfriend, Karl, he's very talented and sweet. We've been dating for almost 2 years now.

I: I wish you nothing but the best, I just want to say again, you look absolutely marvelous tonight. We are all at the edge of our seats, do you have any final words for us?
Y: Thank you for the compliment! You look absolutely amazing too! My final words would be to just thank everyone for the support; my parents, Karl, my friends, and of course all the fans.

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