> "Erm, I love you too?" <

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           "Don't blame me, love made me crazy"              Don't Blame Me - Taylor Swift

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"Don't blame me, love made me crazy"
Don't Blame Me - Taylor Swift


I typed away at my laptop as people scurried around me.

"Y/N, what are you doing?!" The director stressed.

"Homework, do I need to get back on set?" I panicked.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm just very stressed, thank you for doing something productive."

I faked a laugh, "Yup.." I watched as she walked away, my hands grabbed onto my hair. I need to get out of the film industry or drop out of college, I'm going crazy.

An arm slid around my shoulders, "Hey babe."

My lips formed a smile as I looked up, "Hi Luke." He reached down to press our lips together. He retreated with a smile.

"Wanna get lunch with me?" He hummed.

"I have schoolwork, maybe a different time." My lips formed a thin line showing my sincerity, "Besides, we get back on set in 10 minutes."

"I'll get a quick bite, be right back." He kissed the top of my head before sending a text on his phone. I watched as he walked away, clearly happy about something.

Maybe he was tired of me..?


I cheered with the production team as the final scene was filmed.

"You did so good!" Maggie, the director, ran up to me. She gave me a big hug, "Thank you for making my dreams actually come onto the big screens."

"No, thank you for this opportunity!" I congratulated her as well, "I know you'll get far."

She pat me on the back before flagging another actor down.

I scanned the crowd of people, looking for Luke. I spotted him.. leaning into a girl. His eyes caught mine, he waved the girl 'goodbye' before walking over to me.

"Hey babe, you did so good!" He kissed the top of my head.

I leaned in, an unsettling feeling bubbling.

"Who was that?" I chewed on my bottom lip.

He glanced around, "Just some staff, don't worry about it."

My gaze on him darkened, "Oh." I wanted to trust him, but something about this situation didn't feel right.

"Babe, I'll see you later. Gotta go see my mom." Luke gave me a squeeze.

"Your mom?" I cocked my head to the side, "When did you start talking to her again?"

"Uhm, last week." Luke huffed, "Don't be dramatic, calm down."

"I am calm." I avoided eye contact.

"Just trust me." He looked into my eyes, sparks gone.

"I do trust you." I put a hand to his cheek.

"Promise?" Luke squeezed my hand.

"Promise." I smiled with adoration in my eyes.


"I have to get going." He nodded off to me as his phone rang.

"Have fun?" My lips formed a thin line.

"Yeah, yeah." Luke answered the phone.

"Love you." I leaned against my palms.

The person on the other side stopped talking. Luke muted his microphone rather quickly, "Erm. I love you too?"

He turned around and didn't look back, laughing at whatever the person on the other line was saying.

"I'll see you there." I heard him whisper.

I should trust him, right? A promise is a promise.


Hello! Just a small, short chapter to get us started on the story. :)

How are we feeling so far? How will this progress? Isn't trust the most important thing in a relationship? Should she trust him?

HAVE A GREAT DAY! Get some water, rest, and a quick snack. You a valid and important.

~ 🥕

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