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It was a normal day it was the same old for zander nothing new was going on for him he had just gone through the same cycle of going to school. laying in his bead It was late at night, and Zander was alone in his dimly lit room, his computer screen casting an eerie glow on his face. He had just defeated a powerful boss when a sudden glitch caused his computer to flicker and sputter. until it stopped something appeared on his screen 

 until it stopped something appeared on his screen 

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Startled, he leaned in closer to investigate. he looked at it perplexed 

umm? open? "zander said"

  The room seemed to twist and turn, before he knew it, Zander was pulled into the computer screen, tumbling headlong into a white void As he landed on solid ground, Zander realized he was no longer in his room but in a breathtaking digital void. everything felt incredibly real. Before he could catch his breath, a figure emerged from the digital mist. It was a holographic being, translucent and radiant. 

"Welcome, Zander," the holographic figure greeted him with a warm smile. "You've been chosen to embark on a unique journey in the new realm. I am the Guardian nexus , and I have a special gift for you."

The guardian extended a hand, and a pair of gloves materialized before Zander's eyes. They were unlike any gloves he had ever seen, adorned with intricate circuitry patterns and emitting a soft, pulsating light. Zander hesitantly reached out and put them on. As he did, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his body.

"These are the D-breaker's Gauntlets," the guardian explained. "With them, you can transform into various creatures, each with its own set of abilities and strengths. your fate is yours to chose.

Zander marveled at the d-breaker's Gauntlets, his disbelief gradually giving way to excitement. The possibilities of this adventure were beyond anything he had ever imagined. He looked at the guardian and asked, "But who are you, and why did you choose me?"

The guardian's holographic form flickered with a hint of amusement. "I am the manifestation of this world's core consciousness. I sensed your deep thirst for something new. That is why you have been brought here."

 "Remember, Zander, this world is vary new to you. Embrace the diversity of transformations the D-breaker's Gauntlets offer, and adapt to the challenges you'll face. Your journey will be unlike anything you've experienced in your own world."

With those final words nexus snaps his fingers and the white void begins to crack below sending him to the new world but zander relised something 

"wait you never told me how to activate the D-breaker's. but nexus could not hear he zander at all.

"aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"zander was screaming from the realization that he was free falling in the air heading straight for water 

oh shoot!- smack plot" zanders body collided with the water in flop

0:27 to 0:36

zander falls unconscious and is swept away by the current


nexus now that's been taken care of let's bring in the others 

nexus use his power to open portals and warp other's from different universes 

black clover seabed temple arc

after asta and his friend overcame mars and defeat him the black bulls regroup and as they do a portal consumes them all 

fairy tail phantom lord arc last episode

as team natsu makes it back home seeing the other members of the fairy tail guild and as they did a portal opens up and sucks them in but they weren't the only ones as some of there current and future enemies are also teleported

dragonar academy last episode

ash and his friend just defeated the final nexromancia dragon and freed prince Julius but they to were teleported

7ds season 3

the seven deadly sins  and the ten commandments are pulled in to a portal pulling them in 

wakfu season 2 

after Yugo and the brotherhood defeated quilby and rushu on the archipelago a portal sucks them all in 

dxd season 3 before Loki fight A.U

in this one rias, sona riser and there peerages were getting ready to fight loki a magical circle open teleporting them but not to loki 

akame ga kill A.U

all members of night raid are alive and the new ones are added to there same goes for the jaegers all members are alive along with esdeath's original 3 soldiers from ep 11 get teleported.

wiseman's grandson 

sin wolf ford and his class wail at there training camp a magic circle consumes the entire camp teleporting all the student and teachers 

everyone: WERE!! ARE WE!!???!!

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