Part 83: Interroga- Interview

Start from the beginning

"Tori! Tori!" I wake to sharp kick in the ribs with an undignified screech and yank Riku's feet out from under him, as pay back. He kicks me in the jaw in response and I [with a clear mind and definitely no blood lust in my heart] lunge for him only to by grabbed the back of my sleep shirt with large holes now torn in the back from my wings.

I'm dropped on the bed and immediately sink into the soft surface, my eyes fluttering shut as I stretch out, only to be rudely jarred from my sleep for the third time in one morning, which I will not stand for, by a red feather, of which is not my own. 

I sit up abruptly, snatching it out of the air in a tight fist, my black talons digging into the palm of my hand and drawing out pinpricks of blood as I break the spine of the damned thing with my grip before lighting it on fire, so he knows just how I feel about this whole ordeal. 

"I talked to Tsuki, he just wants to talk to you and Sora about your interaction with those bunny vigilantes." Riku wheezes from the floor

"Eat shit and die." I snap crawling off of bed and dragging my feet to the door carrying a surprising about of discarded clothes with me into the hall, I manage to kick them all off by the time I reach the stairs and jump off the top step, using my wings to glide to the ground rather than walking.

I stare blandly at the detective who I could care less about, I want pancakes. So I ignore him, instead rounding on my papa who's standing next to my dad, who currently looks disappointed and a bit hurt, while my papa, the more important of the two in this situation, who looks a little proud but is trying to hide it, this doesn't matter so I also ignore it.

"Food." I demand eloquently

"Talk to him first." Dad says waving towards the black haired man rather than turning me towards him with a feather

"No. Food."

"I'll pack your breakfast in your lunch box you can eat on the way to school" Papa says brushing past me placing a tense but gentle hand on my shoulder.

I groan and turn back towards the detective staring up at him "Follow me." He says before turning away and I yawn, eyes watering and I go to scratch at the side of my face only remembering my talons when I feel their sharp tips on my cheekbone, I quickly curl my hand and rub roughly at the itchy skin with my knuckles, which doesn't do much.

A backpack, lunch box, smaller sack and shoes are shoved into my hands and I'm quickly nudged out of the door, hugged and piled into the small police van with tinted windows so dark it seems like night. 

'I wonder if they have different cars to drive around at night, cause this cannot be safe.'

"Satori" Sora hisses shaking my shoulder as my eyes snap open, I didn't even notice them close.

"Sora! Hi!" I grin "Can you explain more of what's going on?" 

"Sure, if you think you can stay awake." She smiles and I grin pulling separate Bento box out from the top, this one is not mine. Mine is red and always wrapped in a yellow cloth with white polka dots. This one is Hato's old one and clearly storing my breakfast.

My stomach gurgles as Sora begins telling me factually what she'd been told earlier at her own house. I keep glancing at her as I unwrap the blue cloth dotted with cartoonish white clouds, revealing the wooden box. I pull the lid off and grab my chopsticks, frowning slightly at the eggs, rice and cubes of cooked octopus I know Hato asked to be made for breakfast today, but I still really wanted pancakes.

"So they really just want to question us about meeting those vigilantes?" I ask, covering my mouth, still full with half of my breakfast which I scarfed down only slowing when it stopped feeling like my stomach was no longer trying to eat itself, to prevent myself from spraying bits of rice, egg and chew octopus over the driver's seat in front of me.

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