Chapter 3

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Kitty has never blacked out before, not from what she can remember, not at needles, although she hates needles, not from drinking, faint spells, nothing. And she had had a few big nights as soon as she turned twenty one. She doesn't know what to expect when one faints or falls unconscious, she doesn't know how they will feel, how much time would have passed, if she would feel anything, if her other senses would be heighten even though her eyes were closed. No, her brain is actually shut down, or at least it was. Not even whilst sleeping had she ever been completely unconscious, her mind always wanders, dreamt. So what is happening to her? As she slowly starts to come back to consciousness, these thoughts terrify her. Then she realises that she is coming to and her panic starts to subside, but only for a moment.

She sits bolt up right on a small mattress on the floor, her eyes wide, her body stiff.

Where is she?

Her eyes scan her surroundings but she remains on the bed, as still as possible.

The room she is in is empty besides the mattress she sits on. The concrete walls are stained with age and grime. The floor matches the walls, with large foot prints clearing the layer of dust leading from the door to the mattress. A fluorescent light hums above her, the only light in the room. There are no windows, no glass in the heavy set door, nothing. What is this place? What is going on?

The worst springs into Kitty's mind and she quickly checks herself over.

Her dress is still in place, her underwear is unmoved and clean. She presses her skin where bruises would have risen if...

Nothing smarts as she pokes and prods and she doesn't feel nauseous or sore anywhere internally, just a little groggy from... whatever had made her pass out.

She sits for a moment, trying to recall what had happened, her hands twisting and turning on themselves, trying to concentrate.

She stops as she feels her engagement slide around her finger. Well it wasn't a robbery.

With a steadying breath Kitty rises to her feet slowly, bracing herself against the wall, her body still sluggish from... had it been knock-out-gas?

She glances around the room again, trying to come up with a game-plan.

She doesn't have to think for very long, because she hears footsteps approach her door from the other side. Keys jangle in the lock and before Kitty can right herself, two men enter, dressed in thick jackets, almost military like gear, guns at their sides.

One carries a set of zip tie cuffs in his hands as he approaches her.

She backs up against the wall, ready to fight, but knowing she is a little weak.

"Stay away from me." She stutters, trying to sound tough.

He doesn't listen and comes right up to her, reaches out and takes one of her hands.

It's instinct, she can't help it and thankfully she doesn't care. With her free hand she balls a fist and quickly baps the guy square in the face. He grunts and falls back, grabbing at his now bleeding nose.

Kitty makes a run for the door, taking the opportunity at the other guys hesitation and uncertainty. She reaches the door and rounds the corner, only to bump into a large man dressed in a long black coat. She stumbles back away from him, right into the second, non nose bleeding, man's arms.

She is caught. The man's arms are thick as they wrap around her middle, pinning her arms to her sides.

She struggles in her captor's tight grip, trying to kick and head butt him, but to no avail, then she notices the black clad man before her.

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