Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

The sun shines bright upon the brown stone apartment buildings, the cars in the street whizz by and the people who walk the footpaths hurry on with their daily lives. Most are out at work or doing something that society deems productive on this fine Wednesday, but most are not like Kiada "Kitty" Smith. Yes, Smith. She was orphaned as a teenager and spent most of her time in foster homes until she was old enough to go out and write her own adventure, which she did, literally.

Kitty is a writer, novels and scripts. She dabbles in working on set on the odd film or television series, just to keep herself grounded in her writing, but her passions lie beyond this world. Her imagination wanders to the lands of fantasy, where knights fight dragons, Kings rein with iron fists, magic is in the very soul of exotic creatures, a world of daring quests, intense battles and forbidden romances. She had become quite apt at portraying her extraordinary thoughts and creations on page during her teen years, and eventually this grew into a thriving career.

The place where she is most inspired to write, is her brownstone apartment. It is quaint with a loft bedroom, large living space with an adjoining kitchen and a balcony big enough for a small coffee table and chairs to sit and ponder the hustle and bustle of the 'ordinary' people below with a steaming cup of tea. The cleanliness of the apartment is always dictated by the progress of her latest novel or script. Some days it would be clean and tidy, her desk that sits against the far wall to the television would be laden high with neat piles of papers and notebooks, her laptop plugged directly into the outlet next to it.

Today is not one of those days.

Kitty has been nose deep in a novel for weeks now, and being confined to her desk is no longer cutting it.

Papers are strewn across the open space of the living room, her usually contained inspiration cork wall above her desks has migrated across the hardwood floors to mingle with ripped out note paper, maps, concept art and sticky notes. Her laptop is plugged into an extension cord and sits open to a half finished word document page, the little tab line blinking impatiently. Research books lie in piles around the strange nest of notes that she has created, some open to various pages of texts and old images.

A few coffee cups sit forgotten in various places in the room, along with a lone empty plate; obviously her breakfast dish from this morning.

Kitty herself is not amongst her work, in fact she has taken a break to do a different kind of research.

William Shepherd is a saint in Kitty's eyes and everyone who meets him thinks the same, especially as he is going to marry a person like her. William works as a personal trainer with a physique to match. He keeps strange hours, rising early to do morning sessions then returning home for lunch, then by three in the afternoon he is out again until seven. It works out nicely actually. He comes home in time to distract Kitty long enough for her to eat something, so her brain doesn't explode or the apartment get burnt down in her frustration.

Those who didn't know William think that he is a fool, or either really sweet, to have settled with such a specimen as her, but as he stands in the doorway to their shared apartment, he can only smile at the woman before him.

She is dressed in tights and a baggy top, probably one of his, her hair up and frizzing in a halo around her forehead. An old cardboard roll from finished wrapping paper is clenched between her fists. She is oblivious to the tall handsome man standing in the doorway as she mimics a swing and thrust from the instructor on the television before her. She is learning sword fighting, of course. She swings again, her feet stepping back and forward precisely, perfecting the complicated movements of the routine and in a final motion she bops the television with the end of her "sword'.

Two WorldsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon