A New Family | Part 5

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Ricky picked up his phone excusing himself. It was his parents. Ricky should've just ignored the call. But for some reason he picked up.

"Don't come back. You'll ruin our image. We lied to everyone that you found a job abroad. I can't believe we have a fucking disappointment for a son. Don't ever contact us again."

Ricky was already expecting that. He knew his family would e để abandon him but it still hurt hearing that. A family is supposed to love you and support you. Well apparently ricky was on his own now. Even though he moved his stuff to his uncles house his heart broke still.

Hanbin noticed ricky looking gloomy so he said he had to use the bathroom. Hanbin made his way over to ricky.

"You look troubled. Who called?" he asked

"My family. They just disowned me." Ricky said with a straight face.

Hanbin frowned. "That's not family. Family will always be there for you okay? And hey if you need a place to stay my family would love to have you."

Ricky smiled. He was really thankful for hanbin.

"Thank you hanbin. I really appreciate it."

"No problem alright? I'm here. Let's go eat." hanbin said

"Me and gyuvin ate already" ricky said walking to the kitchen

Everyone was discussing plans for the day. Taerae had to meet up with a friend around lunch and yujin and gunwook had plans to go around town so the group decided on dinner.

"Great i'll book this reallyyyyyy good place! 6:30 is okay right" matthew asked looking at his phone.

"I need some good food in my stomach. Yesterday was just shitty alcohol." zhanghao said stuffing his face.

"Alright see you guys later i'll be back!" Taerae said leaving.

"We should probably get going too yujin." gunwook nudged

"See you gays later! Don't make our too much-" Gunwook pushed yujin out the door.

"That little rat" matthew said as jiwoong only chuckled.

The six boys decided to watch a movie on the couch. Matthew was cuddling into jiwoong and hanbin had his arm around zhanghao. Ricky and gyuvin were just sitting next to each other.
No skimship.

"Ricky..?" gyuvin leaned in before tapping his legs, gesturing ricky to sit on his lap.

And ricky did. He climbed into gyuvins lap. Why wss he sitting in someones lap he met yesterday? He didnt know but it felt right.

Matthew was laughing at jiwoongs dad jokes so gyuvin whispered into ricky's ear.

"What were you and hanbin talking about earlier?"

His voice sent shivers down ricky's spine. It was so seductive. Ricky was down bad for gyuvin.

"My parents...Ill tell you later i promise. Just somewhere more private." Ricky said looking into gyuvins eyes.

Gyuvin picked up ricky and went upstairs. The other pairs just looked at them confused.

"Are they gonna fuck or something?" Hanbin asked.

Jiwoong shrugged looking back at the movie.


"Jesus it's 1pm." thought matthew.

Gyuvin brought ricky into his room still on his lap.

"Soo.." gyuvin said

Ricky sighed

"My parents basically told me to not come back or contact them ever again. So you could say they disowned me but yeah. I moved all my stuff out already but i'm not sure what to do when i have to go back. I have like a week and a half left here." ricky said snuggling his face in gyuvins neck.

"Ricky.. How about you stay with me! Move to korea with me! We can be a happy family. You don't need them. They wouldn't do anything good for you and you deserve the best. Move in with me and my family." gyuvin suggested, embracing ricky tighter.

Ricky pulled his head back. "Gyuvin i can't move in with your family, i don't even know them. Plus you know... we aren't even dating."

gyuvin frowned.

"Well will you be my boyfriend ricky?"

This was the most stupidest confession ever thought ricky. But ricky liked it.

"for real gyuvin?" ricky widen his eyes.

gyuvin frowned even more.

"Do you think i'm kidding? I know we met yesterday but when i'm with you it feels right."

"Of course i will stupid." ricky pushed them onto the bed.

They shared a passionate kiss.

"That was cute and shit but like get ready. We are gonna go shopping." Zhanghao said interrupting their moment.

"Hao! That wasn't very nice!" matthew hit zhanghao.

"You guys heard all that?" ricky questioned nervously.

"Yeah sorry we were gonna tell you guys to get ready but we didn't want to barge in while you were talking ricky. But i know we all met each other recently but we are here for you" matthew said apologizing.

"Hey get outtttt!" gyuvin whined

"Leaving in 30 if you don't hurry up" zhanghao said walking away.

Yeah ricky had found his new family.

Yeah this chapter was mainly ricky and gyuvin but my next chapter will include more of the members so stay tuned!

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