Chapter 8:Missing

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Error's Pov:

It's been awhile, While was Ink was away I've been hanging out with The bad sanses they're okay I guess its been awhile since I spend time with nightmare's gang...

I'm worried about ink though, he hasn't visited me for a while, everytime I go through outertale and my antivoid nothing have been changed

I never ask swap or dream yet... But I guess they're both busy with the positivity thing or something

Everytime I destroy an Au Ink never showed himself either... Why? Why does he hasn't showed up

Its been like a week...

Should I visit swap and dream...??

Maybe they know where Ink is....

But me and dream never really talk alot and he is nightmare's brother... Should I?

Well I guess when Swap's there then its less awkward but dream probably will he more awkward...


"You know what F#ck it I'll ask Dream and Swap about Ink!!!"

I created a portal towards Swap's Au wheres the star sanses base is

I burst into the door instead of going inside with my portal I see Swap and Dream getting shock by my entrance

Swap:"Error! Not my Door" he cries

Dream:"Ahh! Error what are doing here" he said confuse

"Do any of you See Ink" I ask them very fast

Dream:"Woah slow down it look like your going to have a panic attack" he tell me worried

"Do any of you have seen Ink in the past few days" I ask them but this time nice and slow

Swap:"Now that you mention it Ink hasn't got back after saying he was going to be busy"

Dream:"oh yeah he does..."

"You guys just notice this just now!" I yell at them very angry

Swap:"woah Error I know your worried but-"

"A@Aaaa@hhh" I glitched out and took awhile from rebooting

After my reboot I woke up in a bed after that dream went in the room

Dream:"Oh uhm Error are feeling okay now?"

"What do you think!"


"Why are you guys so calm about Ink is MISSING!!!"
I yell

Swap had heard my yelling and went over to us

Dream:"But Ink always comes back"
(what is this fnaf)

Swap:"Yeah Ink is strong and kinda Immortal so he cant die"

"But still Ink can be in trouble..."I told them whimpering, worrying about ink

(Fun fact:I heard that Error cant cry and only whimper)

Dream:"Yeah your right!, We'll help you find Ink!" He said agreeing to my statement

Swap:"Okay I guess you have a point we will do"

I went out of the bed and we dress up to look for Ink

Dream:"Have you look at his doodle sphere?" He ask

"Ahh! Why didnt I think of that!!!"

Dream:"Okay heres the plan You look at Ink's doodle sphere and we look at other Aus and talk to us if you seen Ink"

Swap:"and I'll ask for others for help too"

"Okay,okay I get it"

I opened a portal to the doodle sphere...

I went in and I notice it was quiet and empty just a lot of papers that represents the aus... There are alot but I can see of the pieces that are destroyed

Does Ink doing his job? Its very messy with this ripped out papers around

I look around the doodle sphere is alot big than I expected I look at every place and thing in this sphere and then I see him

Standing... Perfectly steal?

I come closer so I can take a closer look he was like a colorless puppet

I try to poke him with my strings... He looks like an empty husk, is he lifeless


Is he okay????

Did he overwork himself??? Is this why he hasn't talk to me??? cant he move???

I look around and I notice his pile of vials on a nearby table

"Is this why Ink drink his vials?"

"Without them he's lifeless his colors are also gone"

I should make him drink them in any circumstances now lets start shall we

Error tried to make Ink drink his vials by putting it on Ink's mouth but it doesn't work what will Error do to save Ink from his lifelessness

~~to be continued~~

"Hello Fan_fictell here I want to you guys guess what will happen next 😏"

"And I remember that Ink is lifeless with the vials so I put that information here so Error need to find a way to save Ink and I know some people already know whats gonna happen 😉 Im sorry if this took long of a upload Im been busy"

Error's Unexpected Crush (Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now