⁐No comfort in my Mind⁐

Start from the beginning

He slowly walked down the stairs, He slid on his shoes and socks, before walking into the kitchen where his older brother could once again be found, He was watching some drama that he took yesterday, "What drama did you get?" Shoyo asked peeking from behind the Tallers "Oh it's nothing, Just the Twins fighting.." Suna said as he played the video, Shoyo watched as the twins Faught on camera, "D-do they always fight..?" Shoyo asked grabbing toast and placing it in the toaster, "Mhm... It's sort of their thing." Suna simply stated while turning off his phone and shoving it into his pocket,  "Mmm, so that's how you get your daily does of fighting so often.." Shoyo said slightly smiling remembering their features, but his thoughts were cut off by the toaster launching his new toasted bread out, Shoyo walked over grabbing his toast a tiredly putting butter on it, "Do you think you can eat the lunch i made you today...?" Suna asked, He was always beyond concerned for his younger brother, I mean who wouldn't? He barely ate, and normally over thinked  and scratched unless someone was with him, Someone he trusted, Someone like Suna, Hinata looked up with a big bite of bread in his mouth, "I'll try onii Chan." Shoyo said his words slightly muffled by the bread in his mouth, Suna smiled at his younger brother and ruffled his hair.

They Ate their food, Well, Shoyo ate most of it, Suna was still happy he ate that much, Suna slipped his shoes on as Shoyo rolled down his sleeves and put his Tan blazer back on, Suna smiled at his younger brother, Before opening the front door walking out with shoyo, The cold October Air dancing with Shoyo's hair, Shoyo clung to his older brothers arm, "Oni chan..?" Shoyo spoke, "Hmm?" Suna responded, "What.... What if someone see's my bandages today and thinks i enjoy doing it....?" Shoyo asked his eyes full of sadness and curiosity, It pained Suna to see his little brother like this, "Im sure no one will see it.. But if someone does it's not their business, And i'll make sure they know that." Suna stated, His voice sounded concerned yet threatening, Shoyo nodded, He was happy his brother cared, But his brother always protected him, Not that he didn't enjoy knowing someone would help him, He knew his brother over did it some times, Which would result in Shoyo helping clean his wounds from the occasional fights that would go to far.

Eventually they made it to the gates of Inarizaki high, Which Shoyo had recently been to the day before, He slightly clung more to his brother, The sounds of people talking and yelling were heard, Suna understood he was nervous, Even though he had been there the day before he was still just as nervous as before, Suna gave him a reassuring head pat As he walked into school building, Suna guided him through the halls and to their lockers, Shoyo tiredly opened his locker door, He grabbed some of the books he would use for the first class, which was Spanish, Luckily for him Suna was in his class, But Sadly the class before lunch Suna wasn't in, Only Osamu. 

Shoyo slightly closed his locker door, Suna was already ready and was waiting, He smiled slightly at his tired brother, Shoyo held onto his arm tightly, Suna walked with him to their first period, He opened the class door, Only a few people were in so far, Around 7-8, Suna walked Shoyo to their seats located by the back, Suna sat down along with Shoyo as they waited for their Spanish teacher to walk in, Eventually he did He was a little late but still came, "Good morning Class!" The teacher yelled, The few students still having conversations quieted down, The teacher smiled, The wrinkles at his eyes folding, He eventually started whatever he was on about, Something about Spanish obviously, But Shoyo wasn't paying attention, He really wanted to sleep, He wanted so sleep so he could eat his lunch without people thinking he was weird or had and eating disorder or something, He didn't want to take the attention away from the people who actually had eating disorder's.

Eventually the class came to an end, The class flooded out along with Shoyo and Suna following behind slowly, He had one more period with Suna before he would be alone until lunch, They walked slowly and tiredly to their next period after stopping by their locker's once again,  Their next period was math, The one class Shoyo actually paid attention to, ...Kinda....

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