Pretending to be small

Start from the beginning

that wasn't a complete lie,he actually was he just prayed that Dream would get him something normal to actually fill him up,not baby food.

"okay,you stay here darling i'll go make you want a sandwich?" Dream asked as he stood up

George nodded and Dream wasted no time,jogging over to the kitchen and getting out the supplies for a sandwich.he made two just in case George was extra hungry,as well as pouring some apple juice in a cup.he brought George his food,his eyes lighting up when he saw it.

he grabbed the food without a word,starting to munch down on it.

Dream chuckled,reclaiming his spot next to George.

George devoured both of the sandwiches,taking a few sips of his apple juice before he got an idea.

what if he just...

George tilted his cup upside down,pouring the juice on the floor.

Dream slightly gasped,taking the cup away as quick as he could,but it was already spilt completely.he got off the couch,moving away the table so he could see the mess clearly.

"baby,you know we don't spill,unless you want your sippy cups daddy has to clean this up"

George cringed at every single word,trying not to laugh when Dream literally called himself daddy.but then he'd know something was up

"sorry" he mumbled,leaning back into the couch.

"it's alright honey,just don't do it again okay?it's all fine,daddy will clean this up in no time" Dream moved back Georges hair from his forehead,giving him a kiss before getting paper towels to clean up the spill.

he threw away the dirty paper towels,washing his hands afterwards.

he walked over to the couch again,sitting down on the floor in front of George,taking his hands in his own.

"sweetheart,can you tell me why you spilt your drink?" Dream asked in a gentle tone,rubbing his thumb over Georges knuckles.

George was honestly dumbfounded by Dreams parenting skills,did he really regress so much that Dream knew the answer to every behaviour?

George smiled widely,he was glad he had such a caring caregiver.

"what' you smiling about?" Dream chuckled,looking deep into the brunettes eyes.

George just shook his head,not sure what to say.

Dream let out a sigh,standing up while still smiling. "let's not make any more messes,alright?" he kissed the brits head,sitting down next to him.

George couldn't even lie to himself,he was starting to slip.

i mean,what'd you expect?he's been getting babied all day long,obviously he's gonna feel a little fuzzy.

Dream saw that he was a little quiet,but he didn't think anything of it.George wasn't verbal very often when he was small.

he pulled the boy closer,holding him by the waist.

he decided to turn on a cartoon,Georges favorite cartoon to be exact,spongebob.

George smiled, subconsciously bouncing in excitement.he quickly stopped when he realised he was slipping further.

Throughout the cartoon,George moved from his seat,crawling into Dreams lap instead.

"oh,what do we have here?" Dream smiled,putting his hands on Georges sides and moving him a little to make him more comfortable.

George stayed silent,putting his head on Dreams shoulder.

"you're so adorable baby" he cooed,rubbing up and down the smallers back.

by now,George had fully slipped.

all the babying got to him,it wasn't his fault!

and as a baby,George was very sensitive and clingy.big George never let anyone baby him,or touch him when it was unnecessary,or take care of him when he was sick,so it wasn't unexpected that George was a clingy little.

he was starting to feel guilty for 'lying' to Dream.tears started to form in his eyes and he whined,snuggling closer.

"you okay sweetheart?"

when Dream didn't get an answer,he made George slightly lean back so he could see his tear stained face.

"oh baby, what's wrong?" he was quick to react,cupping the smallers cheeks.

George sniffled,now letting his tears fall freely.

"awh my poor baby,shh it's okay honey" Dream pulled him back in,firmly wrapping his hands around the crying boy.

"m'sorry daddy" George cried out,tightly holding onto his caregiver.

"what are you sorry for baby?" he furrowed his brows together,not sure what the brit was apologizing for.

George took a deep breath,exhaling shakily before speaking.

"i-i lie to you m'sorry daddy wasn' small n i lie"

Dream wasn't quite sure what he meant,i mean he heard what he said but didn't quite understand it

"you..lied about being small?" he pulled George back again so he could look at him.

George nodded,sniffling and rubbing his eye with his fist while slightly pouting.

"oh, it's okay baby don't worry, daddy's not mad" he rubbed the boys arm in hopes of calming him down.

he wasn't mad, obviously,but he was a little confused,why would he lie about being small?

"i promise im not mad honey,but why'd you lie about being small?" Dream asked with his voice extra soft,not wanting to upset his baby even more.

George shrugged "was big n wanted you to t'ke care o'me"

"you wanted me to take care of you while you were big?"

George nodded,sniffling looking up at Dream.

Dream smiled,wiping off the brunettes tears with his thumb.he kissed his cheek before picking him up in one swift move to head upstairs.George had calmed down by now,silently resting in Dreams arms as he went up the stairs and put him to bed.Dream crawled in next to his baby,turning off the lights and laying down comfortably.George wasted no time,he immediately clung onto his caregiver,resting his head on his chest.Dream smileed,placing his arms on the boys waist and kissing his forehead.George was already half asleep, quietly murmuring words in his sleep.Dream chuckled before tightenings his grip and closing his eyes,falling asleep after a soft day with his baby.


not proof read.

hope you enjoyed!

you can request in the 'requests' part <3

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