Hangry baby

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Little: Goerge <3

Caregiver: Dream <3

nini = night night/sleep

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Dream and George were in the living room watching a cartoon.to be more specific,Dream was on the couch watching the cartoon,and George was on the floor,watching the cartoon as well as playing with his cars.he'd look up every now and then,giggling at the cartoon,then turning his attention back to his cars.

but,he got bored of that soon.he looked around,looking for something better to do.his eyes landed on his caregiver and he got up,waddling over to him.

he got in his lap without a word,snuggling close.

"you okay baby?" Dream asked,rubbing up and down the smallers back.

George nodded "nini"

Dream smiled "you wanna go nini honey?"

George nodded,placing his head in the crook of Dreams neck.Dream just smiled,continuing to caresse the boy while he waited for him to fall asleep.

soon enough,he did.

Dream turned on a random movie to watch,trying not to move too much so he wouldn't startle the sleeping brit.

the movie had just ended when George started to stir,slowly waking up.

he fluttered his eyelashes,lazily lifting his head up from Dreams neck.he rubbed his eye with his fist,letting out a yawn and returning to his original position.

"hey baby,how'd you sleep?" Dream whispered,rubbing circles on the boys waist.

George nodded in responce,telling Dream that he slept okay.

Dream kissed the boys head,continuing to rub circles on his waist.

"daddy" George mumbled,gripping Dreams hoodie with his fist.

"yes,honey?" Dream answered,now rubbing his back instead.

"read book?"

"of course,yeah" Dream stood up with George,placing him on the floor instead.

every once in a while,whenever George remembered,Dream would read him a book and George would just sit there and listen to him.sounds kinda boring,but George just liked listening to Dreams voice.

Dream got a book,sitting down in front of George.

Georges back was against the couch,sitting on the floor criss crossed.Dreams back had no support,leaning down to read the book.

he started to read and George started to listen,being soothed by Dreams voice.

they were halfway through the book,when Dream got interrupted by a whine.

"Georgie? you okay?" 

all Dream got in responce was another whine,George slamming his hands down.

"hey hey,it's okay what's wrong?" Dream closed the book,picking up George and sitting down on the couch with him.

George shoved his face in the crook of Dreams neck,tightly holding onto him.

"what happened honey did you not like the book?" Dream gently bounced him in his lap,trying to get him to cheer up.

George shook his head as a way of saying 'no'.he groaned,slightly bouncing in frustration.

"baby it's okay,what's wrong?" Dream gently grabbed his hips to stop his bouncing,grabbing the brunettes cheeks to make him look at him.

Georges lips trembled,tears threatening to spill.

"heyy,hey it's okay don't cry baby" Dream brought him back into a hug,bouncing his leg and rubbing the boys back. "oh my poor baby,shh it's okay angel"

"daddy" George whined out,clutching Dreams hoodie in his hands.

"im right here honey,im right here.can you tell daddy what's wrong?"

George sniffled,wiping his tears before looking up at Dream with glossy eyes.he looked over to the kitchen,looking back at Dream again.

Dream furrowed his brows in confusion,trying his best to figure out what the boy wanted.

George groaned,hitting his leg.he pointed to the kitchen,looking at Dream afterwards.

"ohh,is my baby boy hungry,hm?" Dream asked,gently rocking the brit.

George nodded,clinging onto him.

Dream kissed his forehead before slowly getting him off his lap,standing up to make his baby something to eat.he decided to make him some warm milk,since it was already time for bed.he heated up some milk in a pot,pouring it in his sippy cup.

he checked the temperature on his wrist,licking it off and going back to the boy.

"okay honey,let's go to bed and you can eat there alright?"

George nodded,holding out his hands to be picked up.

Dream lifted the boy up,placing him on his hip.he firmly gripped the boy with one hand,holding the sippy cup with the other.he walked into their shared bedroom,placing George down on the bed.

he turned off the lights,getting into the bed and sitting up against the headboard.he placed George in his lap,gently placing the sippy cups pacifier between his lips.George squirmed at first,wanting to hold it himself,but he soon melted into Dreams touch,the milk making him feel sleepy.Dream watched as the brunette softly sucked on the sippy cup,blinking slowly.when he started to doze off,Dream grabbed the sippy cup,placing it on the nightstand and laying down.he pulled the sleeping boy into his arms,wrapping his hands around his slim waist.

"good night angel" Dream whispered,kissing the brunettes hair and closing his eyes to fall asleep aswell.


not proof read.

you can request in the 'requests' part!

hope you enjoyed <3

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