
Blaire might not have liked it, but after her 3rd period she stopped by the bulletin board and signed her name under the glee club audition form just like she had done almost two years ago.

It was right under Rachel Berry and she signed her name in pretty letters before walking to her locker that was next to Sam. He was also grabbing his books and she felt the need to say something.

"Why did you side with Jesse?" She asked him and he closed his locker.

"What's your background with Jesse?" He countered.

She was shocked, but answered, "we were friends, we slept together, I broke his heart, he betrayed me, we went our separate ways, why?"

"Do you love him?" Sam asked seriously and Blaire broke out laughing and shook her head.

"Platonically, maybe, he's my friend and no matter how much I hate him, there's still a little part of me that cares for him, but not in the way you're thinking," Blaire promised, trying to take his hand, but he snatched it away.

"Then why don't you love me?" He questioned.

"What?" Blaire asked, her face falling.

"We've been together almost a year and you haven't said it, I thought by having sex you would finally say it, but you won't!" Sam said, not looking at her in the face.

"Sam– I'm sorry," she said, tears welling in her eyes.

He looked down at the ground, tears swarming in his eyes as well, "My family is moving to Kentucky so even if you don't love me, I want this time together."

She nodded and stopped herself from crying, "Okay."

When her day ended she headed to glee and Finn had something urgent to talk to everyone about. It was about Coach Sylvester, her sister had died. "We need to help her. She's overwhelmed, and she needs us to help her."

Santana scoffed, "Seriously? I'd like to put the "fun" back in "funeral" just as much as the next girl. But why would the Glee Club help Coach Sylvester plan a service?" Blaire crossed her arms and glared at her. Someone died, couldn't he have a little compassion?

"We're not doing it for Sue. We're doing it for her sister," Kurt explained.

"Jean is just like us, guys. She's been an outsider and an underdog all of her life. We, of all people, should celebrate that," Finn told them. Plus, everyone should have the chance to be remembered and have a service.

"Can I say something?" Jesse asked.

"No," Rio snapped at him.

Jesse went and spoke anyway, "When someone dies, yes, it's a tragedy. But it's also a part of life, and you can't let death put your life on hold. Now, I don't mean to be blunt, but I don't think you should be planning a funeral... the same week you should be focusing on the set list for nationals." Blaire scoffed and started to laugh as everyone else looked dumbfounded.

"Seriously? Y-You're serious?" Finn asked him.

He nodded, "Actually, yes, I am. Do you know what Vocal Adrenaline is doing right now? They're in their third week of 24-hour-a-day rehearsals. They're on an I.V. drip. That's how hard they're working. Do you know what happens in Vocal Adrenaline if someone dies during a number? They use them as a prop, like Weekend at Bernie's."

Finn, for the first time, took charge. "No. Thanks for your input, Jesse, but we're helping Sue with the service for her sister. Rachel, you said I needed to be more of a leader of this club. Well, here goes. I'm making the call. We're doing this."

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