"Told you." Romanoff crossed her arms, looking at shocked Tony running his hand across his face.

"Son of a bitch." he muttered. "Get this to Ross."

He covered his mouth with a fist, she could see the gears in his head turning, so she gave him time to think.

"You were right," Stark admitted.

Natasha arched an eyebrow at him, tilting her head. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

He ignored her snarky comment "Do you know anything else, Nat? Where they went, why, give me something."

She looked at him for a moment before answering. Something changed on his face. That anger and irritation were starting to disappear. Not by guilt, not blame, nothing nowhere near it. It was the realization that he made a mistake, a wrong judgment call.

"I know where they went," she confessed.

"Then tell me goddammit, what are you waiting for, Natasha?" Tony hurried, gesticulating with his free arm.

"I will tell you." she assured, "but I'm going there with you, and I'll tell you the rest on the way."

"Are you kidding me?" he scoffed. "What, you want me to trust you now, after the stunt you just pulled?"

"You know I did the right thing." she accused, through clenched teeth, trying to lower her voice and avoid bringing attention to them. "So either accept it and you can save some time, maybe make it somehow right or you're on your own and I doubt anyone else will help you."

Stark let out a breath and looked away, muttering something under his breath.

"Yeah, fine." he started walking and gestured for Natasha to follow him. "Spill, where are they?"

"Siberia." she caught up to him as they got closer to the hospital exit. "Old Hydra facility."

"You seem a little defensive" Tony started. Neither Steve nor James noticed Natasha at first as she stepped behind Stark.

"It's been a long day-" Rogers titled his head, realizing Romanoff's presence. "Nat?"

"Is that my gun?" she pointed at Barnes, whose brows furrowed at her sight at first, but a slight smile followed soon after.

"Whoever it is, he can lower it, I'm not currently after you," Tony suggested motioning at James, who ignored his words. "Can you tell him something? Because the Manchurian Candidate is killing me."

Steve opened his mouth, but Natasha was faster. "Spokoyno, soldat" she started with a smile. "On na nashey storone."

Barnes' eyes flickered between Stark and Romanoff for a moment before he did as told and lowered the weapon.

"Excuse me, not all of us speak vodka here." Tony reminded "What did you tell him? How do I know you didn't order him to shoot me in the back the moment I turn around?"

"Seriously? We've talked about this." she asked "And it's just a force-"

"Force of habit, yeah we know." Steve interrupted. "We gotta go, we don't have much time."

Surprised by the irritation in Rogers' voice, Natasha shrugged seeing Tony's confused look as they went ahead. Soon Stark took the lead, Steve, just behind him, and Romanoff and Barnes at the end, with weapons at ready. He with her machine gun he took from the quinjet and she with one of her trusted pistols.

"Almost like the old times, huh?" she joked, glancing at him. "Almost like we never left Russia."

He let out a small scoff. "You and I remember Russia very differently."

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