Oh Savior

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As I stood atop my castle's pinnacle, a somber stillness weighed upon the fiery landscape. My heart ached as I watched my kin confront their ultimate adversary—the Hero. For centuries, we had wrought havoc and misery upon the human realms, but now the consequences of our actions had come full circle. Humanity, in response to this global upheaval, had consolidated into a single, mighty empire, absorbing its neighboring nations and uniting them under one banner. To solidify their dominion and embody their aspirations, they created a hero—a figure destined to shape the fate of this colossal empire and the world at large.
His blade decimated my forces, leaving nothing but a trail of destruction in his wake as he advanced towards my fortress. Everywhere I looked, the only remnants for miles were the lifeless bodies of my offspring, each subjected to the most gruesome of fates. As the weight of our impending clash settled upon me, I navigated the desolate corridors of my stronghold, making my way to the throne room. There, I sat in solemn anticipation, awaiting the arrival of the mortal Hero for our final confrontation.
I had barely settled into my throne when the massive metal doors to the chamber violently swung open, sending debris skittering across the pristine marble floor. As the dust cleared, I finally laid eyes upon the Hero—a young man of moderate stature, with a fair complexion, short blonde hair, and striking golden eyes. His sword of divine essence dragged across the floor to his right, creating a menacing screech that echoed through the chamber, leaving a trail of marks in its wake. Rising from my throne, I prepared to extend a greeting to my formidable adversary

"Welcome, Hero! You have endured great trials to breach my gates," I declared, my voice resonating with immense power and authority. Such was its force that all demons and lesser beings ever to hear it knelt in submission. However, he remained unmoved, his gaze fixed upon me, seething with a simmering resentment that he wordlessly held within as he slowly advanced towards me.

"Now sha—" I began to say, but before I could complete my sentence, he swung his blood-covered blade with lethal precision, aiming for my neck and slicing my head clean off, ending the confrontation in an abrupt and decisive manner.

Moments later, the Hero picked up my severed head from the steps of my marble dais and began to exit the chamber. I could only stare at my vacant throne, a symbol of my former power and dominion, now left in desolation and defeat, crumbling from the sheer shockwave of the Hero's wrath.

A deafening roar, the loudest my ears had ever heard, reverberated through the sky mere moments later, caused by the single swing of his sword. The sound marked the end of an era, a tumultuous crescendo to our brief confrontation, and the collapse of my once-mighty reign.

Having departed from my realm, the Hero walked along the path where the corpses of my kin lay, their remains gradually melding into the soil as he ventured further into the realm of Humanity. For days on end, he journeyed from city to city, town to town, without pause for rest or sustenance. Throughout this relentless odyssey, he remained in absolute silence, never speaking to anyone, not even uttering a single word to those he encountered along his solemn path.

After a week of ceaseless travel, he finally arrived at a grand city, the capital named Superbus, which stood as the jewel of the human nation known as Aetherea, a country poised to assert its dominance over the entire world, had now defeated me, the Demon King. The bustling metropolis was alive with activity until the Hero entered, carrying my severed head at his side. All movement ceased, and the city's inhabitants came to a standstill, their gazes fixed upon the grim sight before them. Some dared to whisper to each other in hushed tones, hoping he wouldn't hear their words, but I could hear every uttered secret.

The city was a marvel, with towering structures and magnificent statues gilded in gold, shimmering brilliantly under the sun's warm embrace. The capital exuded a breathtaking radiance. Upon reaching the gates of the royal castle, the Hero made his way into the chambers, an eerie silence descending over the surroundings. Not a soul dared to utter a word in the presence of the young king of Aetherea.

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