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Bella's pov!

"Good morning Miss Bella" I heard Liam's rich deep voice which made me look to the direction of it found him smiling down at me.

A weekend flew quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was Monday...again!

"Morning Liam" I smiled in return.

"You are early, it's impressive" I added trying to make a conversation.

"Not as early as you but I'll take that as a compliment. Thank you very much." he said taking a seat next to me in my cubicle putting his small briefcase aside his table added for us as a pair on Saturday.

"I had some work left so I thought, why not finish it off early on Monday's morning to awake my mind." I shrugged

"I'll take that as a tip, so tea or coffee!?" he raises his eyebrow.

"It depends on my mood, time or place!?" I said unsure what he meant by asking that out of the blue.

"What about right now!?" he questioned calmly.

Coffee sweetheart!

"Coffee!?" I replied more like asking still trying to figure out what's exactly is going on.

"Your fav!?" he asked

"A mocha!?" I tilted my head replying still confused.

"Very well." he nodded graciously and rose from his chair.

"Um-" I blinked and shrugged because before I ask anything he was already left.

I continue to complete my work arranging my files according to customers' orders per months.

I paused for a moment stop typing my fingers stroll slowly over keyboard.

What was that!?

Before jumping to another thought a thick long veined hand with clear clean short nails graceful hold a coffee mug in front of my face. It startled my fiber, I turn stretching my neck staring at a sweet smiling Liam.

He does have a heartwarming smile. And here am staring creepily at his face before studying-

"A mocha!" he said and my train of thought put a break.

"Fo-for m-me!?" I asked pointing at myself.

Damn, what with the stutter woman!? You're full grown up woman almost thirty years old. I scold myself.

"Yes, mocha for Miss Bella." he offered still standing with two mugs on his hands.

"Thanks Liam, you didn't have to. Just because I supervise you, doesn't mean you have to do that." I said.

I don't want to be a wacky supervisor.

"I wanted to, relax and enjoy." he stated.

I took from his grip smiling ear to ear "Thank you Liam, it's very kind of you."

"My pleasure" he said casually taking a seat next to me and I quick glance at him taking a sip.

Turning on his laptop, shuffling at the document which I gave him last week to be familiar with our products. He glances at my direction kinda catching me ogling at him.

Not kinda, but definitely caught red-handed!

"Is there any problem Miss Bella?" he asked with a frown

"No, no, no" I replied without facing him trying to hide my flustered face.

"If you say so!." I heard him say but with a hint of a smirk?

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