Chapter 3

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^I drew that myself 👌👏^

Heavy footsteps could be heard thundering towards their hiding space. Alatus had the advantage of height so he could easily drop down as well as have a good view of his surroundings. The booming steps seemed to come from a burly woman dressed in black and who was now pointing a finger at the two boys who were slowly backing away from their chaser. The newcomer then began to shout.

"Hah! You filthy lab rats thought you could run away?! I'm sure you know that the Shie Hassakai always gets want they want! After all, Boss payed a hefty sum for the both of you so you can't go running off like that!" All the while she was speaking Alatus felt a vein in his temple bulge in anger. How dare this beast of a woman dub a human being a lab rat. But he needed to calm down as he can't really afford to be reckless here. The woman seemed to have a quirk that allowed to creat knives. She only made one because she underestimated what could go wrong. At the sight of the knife the white haired boy jerked up and crawled away from it until he was crouched with his back against wall. Aether was shocked by this. Venti's silent sobs resurfaced at the sight of the broken boys eyes. They were no tears in them. Just pure fear and a hint of something else. Ah yes...hatred...all this directed to the monster with a 6-inch knife in her hand.

Said woman stalked towards the two boys with nothing but malicious intent. " the little baby scared? Oh boohoo he's gonna cry", she taunted.
At this Aether decided to be brave and jumped out of his hiding spot. He stood in the path of the offender and spread out his arms as a sign to stop moving forward.
"I'm sorry but I don't think I can let you go any further." Venti inwardly groaned at his blond boyfriend's chivalry. So with that thought in mind he stepped up from where he was lurking while giving a subtle nod upwards. Alatus got the signal so he decided to wait just a little longer. The woman though seemed to want an even shorter lifespan than she probably already had. "Oh~ two more pretty boys...damn I'm going to have so much fun with your bodies~" The woman licked her lips in a way that made all boys present shiver. But not because of the disgusting want behind the words but because of the muderous aura that could be felt from a mile away. Venti almost felt sorry for the woman so he said to her in mock respect "May your rotten soul rest in peace"
Alatus leaped of the ledge he was on and used this momentum to deliver a hard kick to the woman's jaw. Blood dribbled down her chin as her head collided with the wall. She didn't seem to want to give up so she stupidly looked up and was med with eyes that were bleeding amber. Those were the last thing she saw before getting a cold slit to the throat. He was still seething from her previous comment until he felt two people hug his back. So he subconsciously relaxed into the contact and heaved a sigh. He really had to work on his outbursts.

"Did you really have to kill her?" Alatus shrugged,"Damned bitch was getting on my nerves, besides, less problems for us."

He turned around and finally set his gaze upon the teens on floor a few feet away from them. The white haired haired one had passed out and his partner was clinging to his hand like a lifeline. Alatus then whispered something in Venti's ear that made the boy nod his head in determination. Venti proceeded to move slowly towards the two boys with his hands up in an attempt to show that he doesn't want to cause harm. It seemed to work as the purple haired one brought his guard down slightly, although that could be attributed to the fact that he was struggling to stay conscious.
Venti needed him to calm down enough to fall asleep, to make carrying them easier. He inwardly grimaced at the thought of having to explain themselves for getting into this kind of trouble. "Don't worry, all we're going to do is take you to someone that can heal you okay?" The shivering boy answered in a hoarse voice
"Are y-you sure they won't hurt us again?" Aether was genuinely heartbroken at the fear lacing the small voice. "We promise. What's you name?" There was a short pause before the same voice spoke up again,"I think it was Scaramouche". With that he finally gave in to sleep. Alatus moved forwards and scooped up the white haired boy and actually stopped when he felt how light he was and resolved to find answers tomorrow as it was well into the night right now. Aether was the stronger out of him and Venti so he silently picked up the other one. "How are we getting them to mom in time?" At this Venti gave a small giggle.
"By roof, of course!"
So that was the trio found themselves leaping from roof to roof with two unconscious people among them.

Little did they know that a certain imnosiac pro hero had silently witnessed everything.

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