The Dancer Collapsed

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*Cutely revives from the dead*
I'll be nice and give this chapter some length🤌

If you ever asked M/n to explain how he felt throughout the last 5 days, he’d say weirdly comfortable

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If you ever asked M/n to explain how he felt throughout the last 5 days, he’d say weirdly comfortable.

Yes, there were times he’d feel really lonely, but there weren't many moments where he was allowed to indulge in his thoughts. 

Anri made sure that he was clear of his worth, stand in, only if a player got hurt was his worth shown.

Without that, he was the same as a volunteer audience member. The current time was  11:32 as he finished his last lap around the field.

There wasn’t much equipment down in the basement as they saved the good stuff for the actual players but he made it work. This was his second chance, where was there space to complain?

“M/n you can stop now, your health is important too,” Anri spoke from the door close to him.

He looked up in her direction and nodded. M/n got pretty used to her calling him for a late dinner, when he was caught up in things, not much could seep through him.

Instead of eating the same food everyday, he mostly just ate leftovers of what she had.

“Unlike the others, we’re fast forwarding your schedule a bit.” This caught M/n off guard as he was getting pretty customized being antisocial all day.

“How so?”

“Well, soon the regular trainees will begin the second selection. Learning how to connect with others in dire moments with mutual goals. But, that has nothing to do with you. So,”

(English, Japanese)

“You’ll be with me.” A tired voice interrupted, m/n turned his head to meet a fluff full of rainbow up in his face.

He internally wanted to scream but kept a calm expression as he stared back at him.

The older boy took it as an invitation of consent as he cupped his face tilting his head. “You have good features, not cuter than mine tho,”

“Uhm, Mr. Cavasoz, boundaries please.” Pablo looked up at her before dropping his hands and moving to a seat.

“Oh, I forgot to ask, M/n do you know english?”

“Yes,” m/n answered with a light accent, it wasn’t his (1st/2nd) language, so the tone easily got swept up with how he usually speaks.

“Perfect, I’ll leave introductions between you two,” Anri got up, tiredness showing easily on her face.

“Well to properly introduce myself, I’m M/n L/n.” He stuck his hand out while Pablo just idly stared at it.

“Pablo Cavasoz, and in case she wasn’t clear, you’ll be with me the next few weeks. Including what I was originally here for, except when I'm on the field, you’ll just be watching.” Pablo paused, his eyes staring in a random distance before he nodded to himself.

“Yea, no playing on the field, she doesn’t want you discovered.” M/n couldn’t help relaxing at him, now he wasn’t a face-con, but this guy was a strange exception.

“Okay, I'm guessing we're going to your place? Or are we practicing here?” Pablo checked the time, he squinted his eyes before sighing.

“What’s taking you guys so long? Hurry up with my stuff!” He yelled, standing up impatiently. 

The doors flew open mid-argument, 3 people came down as they shouted each other passing the blame.

“He told us to come down early, dumbass! You think he won’t notice?!” A light skinned guy stepped down slowly, he carrying 2 boxes while the girl behind him held an unamused expression.

She had chocolate brown hair matched with teal eyes. “Tell that to Kairo’s weak ass, only carrying his personal belongings.” Said mentioned only rolled his eyes as if this was a daily event.

“Keep talking and karma might trip you.” With that, he swatched some of the loose strands of his hair out of his face and focused on not dropping anything.

Ahem.” The 3 paused meeting their baby boss face to face.

“Don’t say anything. You have 5 seconds to avoid my sight.” They quickly continued on as his eyes moved over them despite his words.

“Stupid employees, you can’t trust them for shit.” He muttered to himself, even though his mind betrayed his lips. His expression relaxed while his arms were uncrossed now resting on the table behind him.

“Damn, I was hopping to get out of this cobwebbed fucked basement.” He could see Pablo visibly tense and turn to him slowly. “There’s cobwebs?”

“Yeah, we’re in a basement, but some areas are cleared like my bedroom and this kitchen, I can help you clear your room out.” He hesitated a bit before nodding.

 M/n quickly noted to himself to not let this guy into the storage room, it was a nightmare itself.

819 words <3

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819 words <3

I said lengthy but it ended up being normal length...Eh, whatever

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