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"What do you think theirs is even like?" Maeve questions as Aidan, Michelle, James, Clare and herself head to the Quinn household, "I mean, do you think she'll be ugly?"

Michelle quirks a smile but James shakes his head before hesitantly butting in, "You can't judge her before you meet her."

"Who asked you, you English prick?" Aidan bites back before turning to his girlfriend, "But you can't judge her before you meet her, darlin'"

James furrows his brows in annoyance but decides against complaining. He's glad of his decision when Maeve stops dead and turns to Aidan, "Why are you so bothered about her feelings?"

"I'm not."

"Whatever." Maeve rolls her eyes as she links arms with Michelle and Clare, the shorter blonde speaking up,

"Do you think she'll speak any English?"

"Obviously, Clare, how else would she read all of Erin's amazing letters." Maeve snickers, "If I were that wee Russian, I wouldn't have read even one of them - I'd bet watching paint dry is more interesting."

"Ukrainian." Aidan corrects her but she makes a face,

"Now you're coming to her defence? You've not even met the girl. Catch yourself on."

Aidan rolls his eyes but decides against saying anything further, Maeve had only ever been the jealous type when he spoke about girls she didn't know.

Her defence when Michelle brought it up? If she hadn't met them, then she was yet to know how much they brought to the table - they were a threat unless proven otherwise.

It didn't help that Aidan was far from unattractive and had a long list of girls praying on their breakup.

Instead, he wraps an arm over her shoulders and plants a kiss against her forehead as the group heads into the Quinn house and upstairs towards Erin's room.

Michelle is the one to open the door, "Your Ma said we could come and look at the Russian."

"Ukrainian." Erin corrects her but goes ignored as her friends enter the room and surround the refugee.

"Is this her?"

"Isn't she a cracker?" Orla questions and Maeve lets her eyes trail down the girl, hating the way her eyes are dancing between Aidan and James...well, she wasn't too bothered about James, "She's half mine."

"No she's not, Orla."

Orla turns to look at her cousin, "Aye, she is, Mammy said so."

"You're so lucky, Erin." Michelle tells her, "I begged my Ma to let me have one but she said we've no room now that my dickhead, ball bag, English prick of a cousin's moved in. Talking about you James, in case you were wondering."

Maeve turns to James with a smile that has never been sent in his direction before, one that almost makes him recoil in shock as he blushes under her gaze, "Have I ever mentioned how happy I am that you're here, James?"

"I, uh.. thanks?"

Aidan rolls his eyes and shakes his head at his girlfriend's switch up.

"Have you seen the one Jenny Joyce got, the fella?" Michelle then turns to Maeve and she nods,

"Aye, I saw them in the garden this morning and I already know what you're going to say so don't-"

"Massive, massive ride. I've been thinking, it may be time for me to lose the rest of my virginity - he's definitely a contender."

"Boke." Aidan grimaces and his twin sends him a look,

"You're only jealous that I'm going to lose it first."

"Again, boke."

Michelle then kneels in front of the Ukrainian girl, Katya, and over pronounces her words, "You help me. You put in good word with your Cossack friend. So we can-" She then makes very suggestive hand gestures and Maeve rolls her eyes,

"Ach, Michelle," She pushes her hands down, "And why are you speaking like that - I'm pretty sure she can understand English if she's been talking with Erin."

Clare then pushes to the front, "I'm very sorry for all your trouble, you know, the whole hoo-ha at the power plant."

"Okay." Katya nods with her arms crossed in boredom.

"When you think about it, we've actually got a lot in common, 'cause we understand what it's like to be a young person from a troubled place."

"It is not the same." the girl states and Clare's smile falls as she continues, "Chernobyl was terrible nuclear accident. You people like to fight each other, and, to be honest no person really understands why."

"The wee girl's got a mouth on her." Maeve mutters under her breath and Aidan leans down to whisper in her ear,


Clearing her throat, Maeve stands up taller and tries to tune back into the conversation, ignoring her boyfriend's amused smirk.

"...you're two flavours of same religion, no?" Maeve's hears the rest of Katya's sentence and pushes herself to the front,

"I'll have you know that Catholics and Protestants are nothing alike."

"In what way?" Katya speaks up and to the shock of her friends, Maeve freezes for a moment,


"Hmm?"  Katya raises a brow with a smirk and Maeve looks to her friends for help, getting frustrated when nobody does,

"Ach, fuck off." Aidan pulls her backwards gently so that she's back towards to rear end of the group and at his side,

"That's not behaving, is it, darlin'." he mutters, his breath fanning her ear and she shivers slightly, leaning into his side with a frustrated huff.

"It's a little bit more complicated than that, Katya." Erin comes to her friend's defence.

"To me, it's stupid."

"You know what else is stupid?" Maeve speaks up and Aidan simply takes her hand and leads her out of the room,

"See you guys later, Maeve needs to cool off."

"Do I fuck."

Michelle snorts at her friend's pout as she watches her being taken away by her brother, "See you later, Mae."

"Fuck off, Michelle!"

A/N: Hi 🤭

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