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"So, the girls were telling us about that cousin of your's moving in," John says to Aidan after they have all said their prayers and begun to dig into their chippy, "He's English is he?"

"Aye," Aidan grumbles, "An embarrassment if you ask me."

"Why's that, darling?" Anne questions and Caoimhe is the one to answer her,

"Because he's English, Mammy," the young girl shrugs, "Nobody likes the English."

"Eat your food, Caoimhe," Anne rolls her eyes, "It isn't nice to talk bad about people."

"Aye, but it's true." Siobhan defends her sister's words with a cheeky grin.

"He got kicked out of the chippy, Mammy," Maeve adds to her sister's point, "Said the food makes him sick, he did."

"Makes him sick?" John laughs bitterly, "Fionnula's food is a delicacy."

"Aye, it is." Aidan agrees.
After finishing their food, everyone is excused from the table and Maeve leads Aidan upstairs by the hand and into her bedroom.

"You wanna watch a film?" Aidan asks, taking a seat on the girl's bed as she shuts the door but she shakes her head.

"Then what do you wanna-" his words are cut off by Maeve smashing her lips against his.

His eyes widen slightly in shock but he soon pulls her closer with a smirk, deepening the kiss. She adjusts herself so that she is straddling his lap as their tongues wrestle for dominance.

"You're so beautiful." Aidan mutters into the kiss as his hand trails up her thigh.

Maeve slaps his hand away when he gets too close to the hem of her skirt and he places it back onto her waist. She pulls away from the kiss and their foreheads rest against each other, "You promised."

"I'm sorry," the boy whispers, "Look at you...I get carried away sometimes."

Maeve laughs slightly before pulling him in for another kiss. He breaks the kiss and pecks down her jawline and her neck, nibbling on her sweet spot which causes soft gasps to fall from her lips.

They're interrupted by the sound of her mother yelling from downstairs, "Maeve! Your friends are at the door."

"For feck sake." Maeve rolls her eyes and gets off of Aidan's lap, pulling him off the bed by the hand.

They get downstairs and Maeve fixes her lipstick in the mirror before opening the door. The couple are greeted by the sight of the whole group, including Michelle holding a notice board.

"You didn't?" Aidan shakes his head with a sigh and his twin grins at him,

"I did!"

"You nicked the notice board from the chippy?!" Maeve whisper yells with wide eyes before yelling into the house, "We're going out, Mammy!"


She leads Aidan out the house by the hand and closes the door before turning back to Michelle, slapping her upside the head, "Have you lost your fucking mind, Michelle?"

"What do you mean?" Michelle asks, really not seeing what she's so upset about, "I've helped us."

"Helped us?" Maeve laughs, "What if she don't let us go the chippy anymore?"

"She won't do that." Michelle denies as they walk away from Maeve's house. Michelle leans the board against a fence before explaining how she got away with it, "Fionnula was out the back cashing up. I sneaked in, yanked it off the wall, and away I went. I was like a thief in the night."

Clare scoffs, "You weren't like a thief in the night! You actually were a thief in the night, and you stole from Fionnula, of all people. Fionnula!"

"Aye, she's right, Shelly," Aidan laughs about the lie he is about to tell the wind the girls up even more, "I once saw her punch a wee Rottweiler, I did."

"A Rottweiler?!" Clare gasps and he nods before feeling his girlfriend nudge him in the ribs, "If she finds out about this, she'll kill you!"

"Kill us." Michelle corrects the paranoid girl, "You're an accessory after the fact now, my friend."

"God!" Clare gasps, grabbing onto Maeve's sleeve in fear.

"Can I ask why you stole the notice board?" Erin questions.

"So we get first dibs on all the jobs." Michelle says as if it's obvious.

"Wouldn't it have been easier to just remove the notices?" James asks, "They're only blue tacked on."

Realising he's right, Michelle gets defensive and snaps, "Fuck off, dickweed."

"Christ, what possessed you, Michelle?" Erin asks her.

"Yeah...the more I talk about it and the more I sober up, the less sure I am really."

"You were drunk?!" Clare screeches and Maeve holds an offended look,

"Without me?!"

"That's really not the right thing to be focussed on right now, Maeve!" Erin criticises, earning the finger from Maeve,

"Fuck off, Erin," she turns her attention back to Michelle, "We haven't got drunk forever and you didn't ask me?!"

"I'm sorry, okay, but you were with Aidan," Michelle defends herself before looking to the others, "Look, we're not like Jenny Joyce - nobody's just gonna hand us things. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't have things."

"Preach." Maeve nods and Aidan kisses her forehead.

"You're rich, Maeve." Clare reminds the cheerleader, who makes a face,


"Come on, Clare," Michelle starts, "I know how much you've dreamed of seeing the Arc de...whatever the fuck it's called. James, I know how much you want to practice the shit out of the past participle. Orla, you really, really buzz off those Renault Clio ads. Maeve...well, I think we all know you just want to go shopping in all those expensive shops and try all the food. And Erin, well...you're just riding Charlene Kavanagh."

"I'm not riding her," Erin shakes her head, "I just think it might be time I move on, friendship wise."

"She realises you're all right here, right?" Aidan snorts and Clare nods in agreement,

"Aye, Aidan's right," she says and the boy smirks, his ego inflating slightly, "You are aware you're talking to your current friends?"

"We can't give up on Paris!" Michelle exclaims, "Let's do this, girls, let's make it happen!"

"God, I've never seen you so fired up!" Erin chuckles.

"I will buck a French lad, Erin. I will buck a French lad, so help me God!"

"Boke." Aidan grimaces.

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