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In quite a large house, in the middle of Derry, lives the Murphy family. The family is quite well known around the small town due to their strict catholic beliefs and considerate wealth.
Well, wealth compared to others in Derry.

Maeve Murphy is the eldest daughter in the family and she definitely sets the standard for her younger sisters. Her hair is always perfect, her makeup pristine and her nails perfectly manicured. She always wears a cross around her neck to show her respect to the lord, as well as a delicate silver purity bracelet around her wrist.

However, despite her amazing reputation with her faith and wealth - Maeve Murphy's bitchy attitude is usually far too much for those who aren't close to her.

The blonde girl throws on a denim jacket over her uniform before heading down the stairs for breakfast with her family.

She takes her regular seat across from her Mother and holds the hands of her sisters as they say their morning prayers, before eating their breakfast with grace.

Maeve stands up and grabs her bag but is stopped by her father, John, before she can leave the house, "Where do you think you're going dressed like that?"

"Da, we've decided to be individuals this year."

Her mother, Anne, pops her head around the wall and stares at her daughter with a stern look, "Individuals? No you're not, get your blazer on now, Maeve!"

Not wanting to get on her Ma's bad side, Maeve quickly follows the instruction before kissing her parents on the cheek and leaving the house.

She walks down the street, turning the corner to be greeted by her boyfriend leaning up against the wall. A smile covering her face, she heads over to the taller boy and interlaces their hands.

"Morning, Love," he greets her with a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning, Aidan."

They begin their walk to the bus stop as they talk about anything and everything. Maeve applies lipgloss with her compact mirror as he talks about his band.

"Don't worry, Darlin'. I don't expect you to come because I know you don't really like the type of stuff we play at gigs."

"It's just not my type of music - plus I'm supposed to be watching Caoimhe and Siobhan after school because my Mammy's going to prayer group."

"Ah, that chaotic duo is going to keep you on your toes, aye?" He smirks and she giggles slightly.

"Aye, they can be a wee bit of a handful sometimes but they're getting better as they get older."

"How old are they now?"

"Nine, feels like just yesterday they were both screaming toddlers like Erin's sister."

"Aye," he chuckles at her words, "They're not babies anymore that's for sure."

"Definitely not, I caught the wee shits in my lollipop stash the other day, I had to give them two each to stop them from telling mammy."

Aidan laughs as the bus stop comes into view. They turn to each other and he pulls her into a gentle kiss, "Have a good day, Love."

"I'll call you after school if we don't see each other." She whispers as she gives him a peck on the cheek and they tell each other goodbye.

The blonde girl makes her way over to her friends. Just as she meets them, Maeve hears a very familiar voice yell from behind them, "Motherfuckers!"

The group turn to see Michelle Mallon heading their way, an unfamiliar boy trailing behind her. "Motherfucker - it's my new thing. Watched this film last night, my Da got it off Pyro Pauline, and it's about these two lads, they wear these cracking suits, and rock about shooting people and eating cheeseburgers. They're all, "motherfucker" this, "motherfucker" that. It's got you're man in it - what do you call him? The disco dancer from Look Who's Talking."

"Who owns the fella?" Erin asked, a completely confused look covering her face.

Michelle glances at the boy behind her before turning back to the group, "Me. Well, come on then, ball-ache. Are you introducing yourself or what?"

The boy waves as he speaks up, "Hi, I'm Michelle's cousin, James."

"Why is he making that funny noise?" Orla whispers at the same time that Maeve mutters, "You've got to be shitting me."

"He's English Orla, that's the way they talk. He's my Auntie Kathy's wain, I told you about my Auntie Kathy?" She directs the question to Maeve before explaining to the others, "She went to England years ago to have an abortion, never came back. Never got the abortion either, lucky for you, James, eh? Ha!" She slaps his cheek making Maeve snicker as she follows the girl.

"I didn't actually know that." She hears James mutter but she ignores him.

"What did he say?" Erin asks Michelle as the girls catch up, James lagging behind slightly.

"Nothing interesting."

"What's he doing here?"

"Kathy's just got divorced, so she's moved back. The husband caught her doing the dirt on him. She's a bit of a goer, is our Kathy. Riding rings around him, so she was - isn't that right, James?"

"Reminds you of someone, aye?" Maeve sends Michelle a knowing look, receiving a finger in response.

Erin rolls her eyes, ignoring the interaction completely, "No, I mean here - at our bus stop."

"Oh, he's going to our school."

"But he's a fella." Erin points out in confusion as to why a lads going to an all girls school, "An effeminate fella, but a fella all the same."

"And he's English." Maeve adds.

"That's why!" Michelle points at the girl, "Everyone was shitting it about sending him to the boys' school. They were worried the lads would beat him up because-"

"He's English." All the girls finish her sentence before she continues,

"And you couldn't really blame them, I suppose."

"But, what about your brother? Surely, one word from Aidan and nobody would touch him." Erin asks.

"Have you met my brother? He don't like the English, why would he protect one?"

"They're cousins."

"Aye, but at the end of the day, they only met recently and Aidan only protects people he cares about." Maeve points out and Michelle nods in agreement.

"Our carriage awaits, motherfuckers!" Michelle cheers as they all get on the bus.

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