My Painful past (1)~

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"Hello cutie opps Dr

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"Hello cutie opps Dr. Jung nice to see you here" " i guess i cannot say that..worst meeting u too". hobi mumbled which was only audible to eunwoo who pouted after hearing it why his angel sorry not his but the person he sees as an angel is not liking to see him.

Hoseok: Dr. Hwang can you please get all the details about the patients who are not being unattended by any doctor till now from morning, i want to check their status as i know you all are working hard for this hospital. 

He said with a smile on his face which cannot be valued at any price. Being feeling hypnotized by the smile again , Eunwoo sighed deeply.  "so cuteee while seeing his smile, i always feel something which i think i want to see it in my whole life, to protect him even though he is cold to me but he is cute hmmpp Aishhh Eunwooooahh concentrate".  " WOO~WOO-~Dr. EUNWOOO..." snapped to the reality where he heard someone is calling him, keeping a smile on his face, Eunwoo came near to his angel, ''yes Dr. Jung what can i do for you."  " as i heard you have a good background about the medical field , studied in harvard university and also served your military service as a doctor in Busa--" while reading the word in resume, hoseok got froze and shivered as after 4 years ,hearing the unfamous place according to him which caused biggest trauma in his life that he is still facing as nightmare. without his own knowledge he did not know when some drops of tears came from his eyes.

 "my squirrel baby , once i came from my military training we will marry okk!!"

"hummppp you always do it like this i wanted us to get married before you go to your so called military training, jagii~~~~can u pls marry me first and go there" smiling at his antics of cute fiance, he smiled and gave a peck to hobi's nose.

" no my squirrel darling wait for me i will come sooner and get married to you and we will have 5 noo 10 babiess and be happy forever" 

"Aishh pervert....ok ok go go see one day you will regret it humppp" laughing at his angry pout, he smiled and cuddled with his baby not knowing what the future holds for them nothing but a sad endingg...

The signs of panic attack started showing and he excused himself from the room and ran towards bathroom leaving eunwoo and hwang puzzled why he has reacted this way after hearing the word "BUSAN". "Dr. Eunwoo, let me show you the patients you have to attend along with us as you know it is the protocol of our hospital to have one experienced doctor along with new doctor in the hospital for a month so that they can get familiarized with the workings of hospital". "Yes please guide me Dr. Hwang" with a neutral face, he said to him and again faced towards the corridor where hoseok has left to washroom where he came or not and puzzled why he reacted so. 

on the other side, hoseok ran as fast as he could to the washroom as he knows once his panic attack took over him, they can get him to worst like happened in past few years. opening and sensing that no one is present in the restroom, he can near the basin and washed his face rapidly even though tears are coming from his eyes along with the pain he felt remembering the memories of the person he loved so dearly. "hoseokkk! controlll Controll DAMNNN  freak control your emotions you cannot show that u are weakkk, no you are nottt you have to fight  for your lovee..remember that you have to kill those people who killed your loveee....WAKE UP DAMMED." and that he faced the mirror to see his eyes which has turned out to be red showing pain of loosing his love and flame of revenge for the person who killed his life. Once he got relaxed he started crying remembering him, missing his late night cuddles, their sweet chessy talks, late night stay out in the lane and especially his warm hugs which he want for his whole life but destiny has other plan. "Miss you Moonbin ahh~~".

 "Miss you Moonbin ahh~~"

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Stay tuned for next update~~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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