15 Falling for another

Start from the beginning


And, I'm back. 

Friday, October 7, 7:38a.m.

Wrapping myself in my clothes of choice, I yank my shoes then knot the laces extra tight. I've chosen a dusty-blue, flap pocket, drop-shoulder overcoat on top of a plain, white hoodie to wear for the day. I think it fits the weather as it's turning cold. It's practical and stylish. "Hey, Sonic?" Shadow calls out from the kitchen (I think). I reply by yelling yes. He tells me Rouge wants to speak with me. Uh oh. What have I done to upset her? She never needs me this early unless I'm in trouble. Gingerly creeping into the living room, Rouge seems like she's in destress. 

"Knuckles is being a knuckle-head! He asking why Bonnie doesn't like him. Like he wouldn't know why?" She rants. I'm barely half awake. "Maybe he hit his head?" I suggest. Rouge stares at me blankly. "Meh. You're probably right. Cute outfits, you two!" she compliments us as she strides down the stairs. Me and Shadow glance at one another. We gather our stuff for the day and head out the door. I quickly ping Knuckles a text. 

Knuckles 👊❤️

Are you feeling okay? Rouge told me you 

were wondering why Bon was being rude to you.


Shortly after, 'Delivered' is now 'seen'. He responds with 'Yeah, I'm fine. Just wondering, that's all'. I'm not quite sure he's acting like this or has been acting like this since I convinced Bonnie to visit him in the emergency room. Strange. Why is everyone being abnormal today?! Pushing that aside, me and Shadow go to our mathematics class. Upon entering, Chica is sitting next to Mony and Bonnie. Wait, Bonnie? I feel I haven't seen him in a long time. "Hey, wassup?" I stretch a broad smile across the width of my face. "Nothing much. Just getting to know these two," Chica squawks. I sit beside Bon and nudge him. "Er du okay?" He turns, ever so slightly, then sighs. "Jeg har det fint, bortset fra at Tyler og Elliots søster er for venlige med hinanden." I gasp quietly. Really? Tyler and Elliot's sister are hitting it off? Unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable.

Shadow seats himself next to Chica who, by the way, is being as happy as when I found twenty bucks on the streets. I fall back onto my chair and lean over to Bonnie. "Are you going to confront him?" I ask. He shakes his head as he turns to the professor. I glance at Shadow once he's seen me. 'He's upset,' I mouth, my eyes indicating Bonnie. 'Why?' Shadow's eyebrows furrow. But, before I could respond, our tutor tells us to remain quiet while he goes to talk to another professor. I wonder what about? 

Friday, October 7,  9:04a.m.

"Hey, Sonic," Shadow grins as we manoeuvre around dim-whited 16/17 year olds. During the last few minutes  of the lesson, he wanted to go to our 'make-out stall'. "We're getting there; we're getting there," I say, also smiling. Reaching our destination, I shove him into our stall and he tumbles onto the closed-lidded toilet. I quickly lock the door and sit on his lap, wrapping my arms and legs around him. "So..." I say, rocking side to side, brushing our noses together. He softly chuckles and closes his eyes. "I just wanted some more alone time. Also, Chica's sleepover is tomorrow," he whispered. 

My lips navigates to Shadow's as they meet. I instantly noticed him becoming more eager, additionally edging himself in the process. I stick my tongue down his throat, knowing what he wants. In a heartbeat, I kneel in front of him and slip his trousers, to his ankles. His dick starts erecting, making his flush. Biting my lip, I tease him by licking his hardened cock through the thin fabric of his boxers. "Mmm~" he moans. As tempting as it seemed, I held back from taking him whole. So, I decide pull his underwear down and taking him inch by inch. I count in my head: 'One, two, three...' Well, I barely had to count; it's was something to keep my brain occupied while I was edging. 

Some time later, he breathlessly jizzes into my mouth and I came on the floor. 'POP!' A string of sticky saliva connects me and his -now- 2.5 inch schlong. Wiping the excess semen off my face, we clean ourselves and sprayed deodorant everywhere, not leaving a trace of our fun behind.  "That was great," Shadow pants. "Mmm-hmm," I nod, agreeing. Exiting the bathroom together, I accidentally bump into someone. "Oops. Sorry," I say, turning only my face to see them. They don't reply and instead, they walk into the restroom. "What's her problem?" Shadow growls. I tell him to calm down. He just makes a 'Mmm,' sound. 


Friday, October 7, 1:05p.m.

My eyes follows Tylers. He's checking that girl out again. We haven't told anyone yet but we finally committed our relationship. Originally, we agreed to keep our options open. I would have much rather preferred to not  be together but he claimed he 'loved' me. Like, 'In love'. I felt loved for the first time. Now, that we are each other's, I feel unloved. "What's her name?" Tyler asks, snapping me out of thought. I can't say anything. I don't want to say anything. "Stacy..." I manage to mutter. I only know that because I overheard a conversation about her. Most people assume she's mute. I don't believe that. I don't want to believe that. "Thanks," he beams, then stands up. He going over to her. I can feel it. But I don't want to feel it...

 I need to leave. But I don't want to leave...

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