Seasonal Break: 1~

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Luna: Welcome the first season Seasonal Break!

Enki: For this occasion we will give out 10 questions that we really want the readers to answer!

Luna: And of course! We will try to respond to your questions and reacts to your answers at best as we can!

Enki: So without further ado!

"Seasonal Break- START!"


Q1: What is your favorite chapter so far?

Q2: What is your favorite moment from the whole season?

Q3: What is your favorite Haru's Moment?

Q4: Who is the girl you are rooting for?

Q5: Is there one of the girl you want to see more?

Q6: What is your favorite "Special Chapter"?

Q7: Is there something you want to see for future chapters and "Special Chapters?"

Q8: What is your favorite plot twist from the whole season?

Q9: Is there something you want to say to one or both of the Author?! (Except for uploading schedule)

Q10: Is there a lingering question you want to asked about the series so far?


Luna: That's all for now!

Enki: It might be awhile before "A Certain Manager" will be back so for the mean time-

Luna: we thought of something to change the schedule time for "A Certain Manager" until it comeback!

Enki: So Enjoy the teaser! And-

"See you in the next season!"


"The world of demon..."


"What are going to do with us?!"






"Will you be by grandsons?"

"huh..? "


Welcome to the happy world of demons!!


"Phew ... they didn't know I'm human!"


"My name is Asmodeus Alice..."


"Mommy! Everybody! Over here!"




I shall defeat the teacher-!"


"I will let you go to a school for demons~!"


"Why adopt a human boy...?"





Coming Soon:
Welcome to Demon School, Haruki-kun!
(Welcome to demon school Iruka-kun








"So you our master now, huh?"

A Certain Manager (Hololive x OC)Where stories live. Discover now