Chapter 42

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Two Months Ago

Glastonbury Tor towered over the surrounding plains, standing out like a beacon for miles around. In the light of the moon, it loomed over the Summerland Meadows, the roofless Tower of St Michael's watching over the surrounding fen, a silent sentinel.

Harry breathed in the air, savouring its freshness. Taking a moment to look around from his perch on top of the tower, he floated down to the ground. He was here on a mission, and time was of the essence.

Ever since he had discovered the archives of Arthur's descendants, he had spent what little free time he had that wasn't taken up by his duties, or his family, meticulously combing through them, looking for other secrets that the Muggles had hidden.

One of those secrets had him coming here, in this specific spot.

Looking at the scrap of parchment in his hand, Harry started descending the ancient hill, following the path downwards, holding a handful of silver flames aloft to light the way.

After about thirty minutes of trekking, he finally came to a stop at a point exactly equidistant from the base and the summit, facing east.

It took a fair amount of work to find and then get to the hidden cave but he straightened up finally when he saw the inscription right on the inside.

Her lecgan Artúr drýcræftig cyning m Engla Brytland ond Scotta

Harry took in a deep breath upon seeing those words. Here, right in front of him, was a piece of ancient history of both Muggle and Magical Britain, lying forgotten and unknown for millennia.

Composing himself, the King took out a mirror from within an inside pocket of his coat.

'I found it,' he said into it.

From the mirror, the scarred face of a redhead stared back at him.

'I'll be there in a minute,' he said. Immediately the glass clouded up, clearing to show Harry's own reflection.

The King barely had to wait a moment before another figure materialised in front of him.

The man once known as William Weasley but now going by the name of Guillaume Delacour (though Harry still called him "Bill" – he was the King after all) bowed before him, 'Your majesty.'

'Bill,' Harry replied evenly. He ignored the imperceptible twitch on the older man's face. Another reason why Harry insisted on using that name was because the ginger just refused to call him by his first name, always sticking to the formalities despite Harry's repeated instructions.

'Look at the inscription.'

Turning around, the curse breaker strode forward. Frowning, the man took out his wand and started muttering.

'It checks out,' he finally said. 'Sweet Merlin,' he breathed. 'It is unbelievable, but I think this is the real deal. The Anglo-Saxon runes underneath do date to this time.' Looking around the cave, he weaved his wand, causing sections to light up in ethereal runes. 'That there is a Muggle repelling charm ... a cruder version, but definitely a Muggle repelling charm ... and a viable one at that.' he whistled. 'This sets back the time of the modern-day charm by quite a few centuries. There will be many historians' minds blown by that information alone.' Turning to Harry he said in wonder, 'I just cannot believe this!'

Harry smiled. 'Good ... you and your team can start analysing the site tomorrow. Now, if you don't mind, I have something I need to get from there.' Saying this, he turned towards the entrance.

'Your majesty – wait!' Bill said quickly. 'It's an unknown site. Nobody knows what curses, traps and wards are in it!'

'And that's why you are here, Bill.' Harry said calmly. 'Now, how would you like to be the first to explore a thousand-year-old magical tomb that many have spent their lives searching for but have never found?'

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