Chapter 3

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Ciya P.O.V:

I moved forward to where all of my guards were stationed; they all held Chuan'r in their hands and appeared to be in good spirits. They all exuded a sense of joy and ease.As I got closer to them, I straightened my back and took off my cloak.It was very quiet, yet even so, I could hear the gentle clinks of my armour as I moved. it was because knowing when an opponent was around was a skill I had worked hard to develop, whether by sound or sight.

I paused my gaze going to my sword,the expression of the sword is the accent of the heart that holds it. My sword - it was blessing for me to even hold a sword. I tightened my hand my my swords, pride filling me. I was a warrior.

I sighed and approached my troops. We all mounted our horses got ready to go inside the royal castle. 


I froze, my horse came to a halt. Xiaofeng? Why did I hear his voice, he had died long ago? I recall that we were on a mission together, and as we entered the enemy's layover, he had been arrested. He was chained to a pole that was visible to everyone, including me, who was hidden among trees.

He dreamed about a lot of different things, one of which was being a leader who was in my location. ​That's why; he gave me the incentive to continue living. He is the reason I became a commander. I can still picture the leader giving the order to shoot the arrows in order to kill him. His passing and his smile at me happened all in slow motion.

I shook my head; I had to let go of him because he was a fading memory. I was beginning to be troubled by my past. It was hard, it hurt me.

Third P.O.V:

Many scrutinising eyes alongside the ones of admiration and affection were fixed on Ciya as she moved forward. As she headed inside she first greeted Master Fuwang then Duke Right, her father. As both men gazed at her Master Fuwang spoke,

"She is an assassin & an instrument of mass destruction. A sword can be used as a walking stick, but its purpose cannot be changed, Right.Since the beginning, I was aware of who she was and the fact that they'd been murderers born to shed blood."

As Master Fuwang was wrapping up his speech, Ciya's brother H'adhou arrived. H'adhou  was the 'they' alongside Ciya, in Master Fuwang's speech.She was a fierce fighter when she battled, a soldier with a cold heart. Queen-like when she smiled.Kings had sacrificed decades for such smiles. Such smiles are so powerful they have the power to both destroy and rebuild the planet.

As soon as Ciya entered, Empress Dowager was standing there. Ciya extended her sword-wielding hand to her and knelt respectfully. However, as soon as Ciya moved to bow to her father, an arrow was fired at her. As the assassin fled outside, Ciya dove and turned to launched her blade at him. Along with their guards, Ciya and H'adhou attacked the man.

The girl who used to run away from the sight of a kitchen knife now toyed around warzone blades, and the result was dreadful.


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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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