Chapter 1

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"They want a fight?" I'll make War on them

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"They want a fight?" I'll make War on them."

Grunted Ciya, as she glared at her soldiers. She looked outside 老鹰 (eagle) camp, the clouds appeared eager to echo the land and were the kind of grey that would make any quarry rock proud. Condensation was destined to occur sooner rather than later given the amount of grey and whirling water in the sky.

Today's skies had been controlled by the clouds, which are gathering and silver-fading from the darkest shades of grey to delicate whites. However, what they actually guarantee is the potential for new seeds to germinate and life-giving rain for the dry soil. Just the way Ciya had thought the clouds roared upon her and her soldiers. She sighed - it was time to speak to her soldiers.

"In war,"  Ciya said as the commander, "it is foolish to put effort into gaining ground you'll never keep. All it does it does is put at risk what you have. If we can't maintain a gain in good health and order, defend it properly, we alter our path."

Around two hours later all the war horses stood on hallowed ground as strongly as any mighty oak ever could. All were in wait of the words of the commander, Ciya's words.


That one word made the thousands of soldiers charge foward - to win yet another battle.They were all true soldiers, but not because they despised what lay ahead of them; rather, it was because they cherished what lay in wait for them. 

Ciya P.O.V:

We were soldiers on a holy battlefield fighting for goodness, protecting the many from the brutality of hellish existence, and restoring a chance for heaven. We are proud of our wounds since we were given the chance to advance peace. To give our troupe a chance to relax and recover, it is time for the changing of the guard. 

We hear the voice of love, the voice of home, and the promise of more time for a happy, healthy family life. We are deeply appreciative of the opportunity to change lives as well as of those who continue to fight the good fight. As the baton is transferred and we continue on our course, it is our turn to rest our heels and their turn to fight.

I was directing this war to free the nation from a wicked ruler who tortured people for his twisted amusement and committed rapes for joy. It was now or never for those Innocent, I thought as I clenched my teeth and tightened my hands around my sword.

Into the day spun of might, ridden alive by our angel hooves, we come to the battle lands, to the frontier of the good vs that which would destroy life.  I sighed deeply, I heard several cheers around me, we had won... Just as I turned I felt my eagle land on my shoulder, AllahRakha had a message strapped to him. Which read:

"You won since you never once indulged in egoistic tactics. Instead of following the herd, you chose a path that made sense to you. They spoke, but you could tell they were going in the wrong direction. You succeeded because you wanted a victory that belonged to all. They gain from your win at least as much as you do. Winner, you now have the opportunity to compete at a higher level. The countdown to the restart has started, so I hope you are prepared. Move quickly, be armed, and be courageous."

Master Fuwan, it was him, he had written the note, I chuckled at how he already knew I would win this war. I had just finished reading the note when I felt something sharp pierce my shoulder. I looked up to see Jung Chang standing there grinning wickedly.

"Oh commander, this is why you shouldn't have trusted me."

I chuckled deeply, before pulling the dagger from my shoulder, "That's the thing"I replied as I stabbed it into his throat.

"I didn't."

I twisted the knife deeper into his throat, "You were always the last person I would ever trust."

I sighed and walked away, leaving his body to decay with the other bastards.

"You're bleeding"

Stated my heart, I paused in my step,

"Realy? Thank you. I was unaware that half of my blood had been lost."

I snapped at my stupid heart, and got onto my horse, as I headed forward I realised I'm in this forest with my tribe of wood and leaves, surrounded by enormous trees whose roots round the globe. It is a location where creatures with old souls live beside the lovely sounds of flowing water and bird music. Maybe one day I'll figure out why, but this feels more like home than my own.As I gazed at nature's beauty my eyes moved to my horse.

The horses who carried us through the barren landscape were also members of the same family of warriors. They invested as much heart into the mission as we did, paid for our mistakes, and still loved us. We owe gratitude to our four-hoofed friends for the privilege of being able to experience the world from a horse's perspective.Days later the bridge which opened up to my kingdom came along - since I can remember, the bridge has adorned this landscape, and in my heart it has always been a source of happiness because it is how we visit the people we love on the other side.

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