Chapter 2

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"Hoorah! Hoorah!"

The sounds of the crowd enters my brain's euphoric region and draws happiness out of there.I realise that my purpose is far greater than my suffering - when I see them.In this world and in this kingdom, there is good that is worth safeguarding.I would fight for both the people we were able to save and the people we lost.

We took a position atop the historic wood and drawbridge. When horses were used to transport things inside the citadel inside, they used to travel over this area. For everyone in this area, it served as more than just a castle. 

The castle served as our safe haven, and fortress throughout those times of the sword and armies with their philosophy of loot. Because we shared a home. We managed to survive because we all depended on one another. We were the castle, the beating hearts inside the rock, from the fetcher to the baker.

Many bouquets were tossed my way as I dismounted, and I watched in astonishment as mothers came forward to greet their boys. I wish I too had a mother. I was somewhat discouraged. It might be difficult to feel that something is out of reach when you want it so badly. But I never settle for second best because I always get what I want. Due to this, I am aspired to work harder, to be smarter and more creative, and to keep pursuing the things that my heart and soul are asking for.

"We will meet in heaven", the voice of my companion echoed in my thoughts as I closed my eyes, driving blood flooding into my ears.In this war, I lost one of my closest friends, who had begged me to leave in order to protect our country. I had already lost a lot in life.And it devastated me to see his mother waiting there for the collection and burial of his body.

I grumbled and turned to my horse while taking my cloak given that I needed to visit the market and see how things are for our locals.The cloak represented both the inviting folds of what lay ahead and the curtain of my previous existence.

The market is a beautiful cacophony of smiles from young to old.The irate client is the first person I see when he enters, even before he has been set off. His posture is tense, his face is stiff, and his eyes move more robotic ally than others. Every action he takes seems to be guided by a mental clock; perhaps this is the countdown to his next explosion.

Not a flower or a sunrise, the irate client, or an eternal existence in a world of grey, I doubt there is anything in this world that can bring him joy. He inspects the goods, teasing them with his fingers as if he were daring them to seduce him, and then he rejects them with a tiny but pungent sense of satisfaction—a micro-power trip. Soon after making a choice, he will run into an issue with his purchase, which will cause him to rant in front of the queue, his audience. Despite his height, he appears extremely little to me.

I chuckled as he complained on one of the items he picked up. Almost everything seemed perfect, until I heard a loud screech of a man. I turned around to see a man getting whipped by a royal guard as he laid next to many fruit baskets.I went forward and snatched the whip from the man just as he was about to raise it, then I sliced it across his chest.

He screamed—it was a childish scream, the primitive mind pleading for the affection it has come to anticipate from evolution. It was the most direct form of asking for assistance that a soul could make. Aid that he didn't deserve. As anticipated, all of the guards around him lifted their swords; but, I was quicker and threw aside my cape.


Deadly silence.

That was all - silence.

Those soldiers had lifted their swords in the direction of their commander, which was punishable by death. All of them bowed and spoke at the same time.

"You have our respects," they said.

I grinned and put on my cape; as I stepped out, I heard joyful screams from the crowd, and I had instructed them to strike the bad soldier sixty times in front of everyone - which caused glee in the public.

Third Person P.O.V:

As she walked out many gazed at Ciya. Finally, a man spoke,

"She is who?"

"She is pleasant as well as tough, and she is a bad-ass with a golden heart. She is a fierce woman who you want to fight beside rather than against." Spoke a women as she gazed at Ciya's back.

"She is Commander Ciya."

Many gasps resounded since no one had anticipated that the compassionate saviour would be a calculating commander entitled the eagle.

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