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When me and Aaron walk into the temple we're immediately swooped in by Cantor Jerry and he starts telling us about how when he was our age he was in a Jewish rock and roll band. "You know not all of us are the same age, right?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Yes, but anyway we called ourselves Exodus because Genesis was already taken." I hear Aaron yawn next to me and I elbow him right before Cantor Jerry says "I'm sorry Aaron am I boring you?" This caused me to let out a little chuckle before turning my face back to serious mode, which just made me want to laugh more. "What? No- I was listening, Cantor Jerry." Nikki and Tara come over and ask Cantor Jerry if they can borrow me and before he answers we're all walking away making fun of him. "Am I boring you Aaron?!" I mock, causing the two of them to erupt in laughter.

We see Lydia and Stacy and run up to them yelling their name to grab their attention. "You look so cute. You guys good?" Lydia asks us, to which Nikki replies with a yes. "The poleee." "Pole!!" We all clamor about as we get separated for a brief moment. "Oh wait, how's your Torah portion going?" Lydia asks Tara. "It's like 6,000 pages long. Why did my parents pick the third week of August?" Tara rants to us. "But mine's literally like a minute and a half long. Thank you, June 10th!" Lydia brags. "Oh my god mine is so stupid it's about like spies or something, and it's so longggg. Luckily me and Aaron are sharing our service so I only have to do half." I say winking at them. Then Rabbi Rebbeca comes up to us and puts on her "cool mom" costume. "Cho chop, ladies! Curtain's up in five! I like to think of Hebrew School as a little performance I give. Your prayer book is the playbill, and I'm the star, cutie-pops. Giving you a bit of the ole razzle-dazzle. You know what I'm saying? Kidding. Come on, class is starting. Let's go!" We all giggle and I say "Shalom Rabbi Rebbeca!" As she starts to walk away from us.

"She's insane!" Tara says between laughs.

"I know, I love her," Nikki agrees.

"And I'm the star cutie-pops, razzle-dazzle." Stacy mocks causing us all to laugh even harder and compliment how accurate it was.

Once we get into class I sit down in the back in my usual spot. Typically, Stacy sits next to me but today after Andy asks Stacy if she's okay he comes and sits next to me. "Hey," He says over the chatter to me. "Hey? Is it cool if I invite Stacy and Lydia to the ledge too?" I ask. "Whatever." He says, so I pull out my phone and text them the details in our group chat"Standy 4 life" (name chosen by Stacy, duh.) They both, almost in sync, reply that they can't and they have other plans. 

"All right! Shabbat shalom!!" Rabbi Rebecca says to us so we reply with the same message as we do every week. I always wondered why, if it's Monday why is she saying Shabbat shalom? I don't know it's weird to me.

Andy leans over and whispers in my ear "Your outfit is so hot today." I whisper back a quick thanks and hide my head in my hands in order to hide my cheeks turning into a bright shade of pink. "How are you guys feeling we having the time of our lives yet. You guys start your Mitzvah projects yet?" To which everyone replies with a no except Nikki and I. "No? It's the most important part of this whole thing. It's when you do something menschie for your community, for society at large." Rabbi Rebecca tells us. "What? You guys don't care about society at large?"

"I know Aaron doesn't, he just cares about his perfect skincare every morning and night," I joke causing everyone to laugh.

"All right, how about we pick up where we left off with our old buddy, David? Remember him? Homeboy was about to get his groove on with the foxy Bathsheba even though she was married to someone else. What a snake David is!" She tells the class, "You a snake Aaron?"

"Yes," I whisper under my breath so only Andy can hear and I can see him struggling to hold back laughter.

"N-no," Aaron replies, obviously scared.

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