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"AARON!" I yell from my room.
"What do you want?" He walks into my room mid-phone call.
"Which dress, red or purple?" I ask
"You look hot in purple." says the unknown person on the phone.
"EW DUDE THAT'S MY SISTER, but yeah, whatever." Aaron agrees
I finish putting on the purple dress as I curl my eyelashes and put on mascara, eyeliner, and a little lip gloss. We were going to Devin's B'nai Mitzvah and I was prepared to look the best there. I needed Andy Goldfarb to notice me. It's embarrassing, but I've had the biggest crush on him since third grade.

Once I finish tying my Air Jordans I get into the car where Aaron asks if we're still picking up Andy. I replied gagging saying how the whole car ride was going to consist of weird descriptions of all the girls in our school and I did not want to hear it. He made a pouty face at me and said "Come on we all know you just have a crush on him." I just rolled my eyes in response, as I looked away to hide my cheeks burning up.

As we drive up in front of Andy's house we see him coming out in a dress shirt, that, let's just say fits him very nicely. Aaron got out of the car as Andy scooted into the middle seat. Once he was buckled he whispered in my ear "I told you purple looks hot on you." I feel myself melting into my seat at his words. God what this boy does to me. I just smile back in reply.

Once we get to the party I quickly walk ahead of the two boys to try and find my friends. Once I get in I immediately spot Lydia and Stacy and I run to hug them. "Heyyyy!" I shout over the music. They each hug me and we all exchange compliments.

"Oh my god, Stacy you're so body goals right now," I say pointing to her slim waist.

"Really? Thanks, Lils you literally look stunning in that dress, purple is so your color."

"I've been told," I whisper under my breath. "Aww thanks, Stace, and Lydia, your hair looks absolutely AMAZING!"

"Thank you!! And Stacy is so right you look like Gigi Hadid in that dress!!" Lydia says.

We begin walking as Stacy says "Okay, I love this Carnival theme but Lydia your Candyland theme and Lila, your Paris theme are going to be the best of the year."

"Oh! Until your New York theme puts the whole school to shame!!" Lydia says in agreement

"So realllll!!" I say, "I can not wait for both of your BMs!"

"If my parents let me have it." Stacy complains "Did your dad talk to DJ Schmuley yet?" She asks Lydia.

"LET ME HEAR YOU SCREAM, "DJ SCHMULEY IS MY KING!"" We hear the DJ scream as we all shout it back in response.

"He's already been booked we got it!" She says responding to Stacy's earlier question.

"Sick," I say as Stacy says "Sweet!" In unison.

As we approach Nikki and Tara we all hug as Stacy says "Lookin' nice ladies!" Tara begins questioning the fact that we're all becoming adults this year and we all giggle because it could not be real. Nikki then shares with us how her mom finally let her shave her legs this afternoon and how they feel, and I quote, "like somebody wiped wasabi all over my shins."

"Oh. My. God." Tara says mouth practically on the floor, "Why do Kym, Anya, and Megan always look so cool?" She asks. As if on queue they say something so clearly pretentious and full of shit to the guy holding the birds about whether or not they're "rescued." Like bitch be for real. "They scare me," Stacy says as I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, you know what else is scary? Nikki's mom is allowing Ronnie and Zaara to drink alcohol!" She says as we all turn our heads in unison to the three of them taking shots on the couch. I laugh and say "Me next?" Everyone laughs at my comment and Nikki shares how her mom is trying to be a "cool" mom.

"Oh my god! Andy Goldfarb looks so cute tonight!" Stacy exclaims as we all turn to look at the boy. "Do you realize that one day he will be mine, and you will have a cool boyfriend too, and then we'll have a joint wedding and move to adjoining lofts in Tribecca?" Stacy says to Lydia, somehow all in one breath. Which Lydia replies with, "In Taylor Swift's building?" and then both of them say "Yeah!" almost in tune or something. God her obsession with him is almost funny to me, I can't be one to comment though. I think giggling to myself. "I'm gonna talk to him." Stacy suddenly blurts out. "What?" Me and Lydia ask in unison. "I'm ready." She says with a reassuring nod.

"You should Stace!" Lydia says as I join in with, "Yeah, you got this!" "Come with me." Stacy requests and we all say words of agreement and begin to follow her.

AUTHORS NOTE My friend's friend's friend's ex-boyfriend is Judd Goodstein (aka Aaron) and now he's going to tell Judd so yeah! AND APPARENTLY HE GOES TO MY CAMP FRIENDS SCHOOL?!?!?! AND HES DATING MY FRIENDS COUSINS FRIEND!?!? WHAT IS THIS?! also follow me on tiktok for edits of the characters: stxrzxyz

Steal My Girl || Andy GoldfarbNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ