𝟐.𝟐𝟓 𝙐𝙣𝙢𝘼𝙨𝙠𝙚𝙙

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"She definitely know about the Jenna thing" Hanna muttered once she was sure Melissa was gone.

The minute the words left Hanna's mouth, the girls' phones all chimed, signalling a new text.


'You still have something that belongs to me. Bring it or one of you leaves in a body bag – A'

Emily read the text aloud as Sophie stared down at her own phone with wide eyes. The blonde felt sick as goosebumps rose on her skin.

A was becoming much more desperate, and Sophie knew better than to dismiss A's text as an empty threat.

And as if the text wasn't enough, Spencer's doorbell went off and the brunette excused herself to go and see who – or what – was at the door.

"A has to be talking about her phone" Hanna stated. '

"You still have it in your closet right?" Emily asked the blonde.

"Yes" Hanna muttered.

"Is it just me or does A talking about body bags make you nervous?" Sophie asked, placing her phone back into her pocket.

"Guys it was a messenger" Spencer said, re-entering the kitchen with a large, yellow envelope in her hands, "something for each of us"

Spencer pulled five smaller black envelopes out of the larger ones, each one had the girls' names written in cursive, gold ink. The brunette handed each girl their own envelope and Sophie took hers with shaking hands.

Inside, was a sleek piece of card, this time the writing was in black ink. Sophie pulled out the card, eyes scanning over it as her hands slightly trembled, and her mouth went awfully dry.

The blonde's heart rate sped up considerably, written on the card was an invitation to the Masquerade Ball that was happening at school to celebrate the end of the school year.

Sophie had no intention of going to the dance considering everything that was going on in her life right now. There was once a time where Sophie would get so excited for the dances at school, her and Alison would spent the weeks leading up to the event making plans and talking about nothing but the dance.

But things had changed.

"A wants to play hide and seek" Emily muttered bitterly.

However, the invitation wasn't the only thin g inside the envelope. Sophie pulled out a small piece of white card, a message specifically for the girls was written in bright, red ink.

"Be there when the clock strikes midnight" Sophie read aloud.

She was now certain that her breakfast was going to reappear.

"Spence?" Aria called out.

"Hide and seek was my favorite game with Melissa, you wanna know why?" Spencer stated, "I always won"


"She was just standing in that kitchen, basically admitting to us that she is A" Hanna proclaimed as the girls, minus Spencer, walked to school talking about what in the hell had just happened.

"And now she wants to kill us" Aria muttered, "parties and body bags go together like drinking and driving"

"Guys, I don't trust Melissa as far as I can throw her and Ian's fetus" Sophie started, missing the weird look that Emily gave her for her choice of words, "but let's not forget that Jenna also knows about the Jenna Thing"

𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | Jason DilaurentisWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu