Chapter 14: Preparation for the Final Exams

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『Okay, that's it for the class. There's only one week left until the final exams. You all are studying properly, right? I'm sure you already know, but it won't just be a written exam. There's also the practical component. Make sure you train your minds and bodies at the same time. That's all.』Mr. Aizawa said as he left the class.

『I haven't studied at all!!』Kaminari, who got 24th on the midterms and Ashido, who got 23rd, exclaimed.

『With the sports festival and internship, I didn't study at all!』Kaminari said.

『It's true that we had one event after another, but...』Tokoyami couldn't believe Kaminari.『For the midterms, we'd just started school, so they didn't cover much, so I didn't really have a hard time with them, but with the back-to-back events and stuff, the finals will be different...』Satou, who got 14th commented, as Koda, who got 13th agreed.

『It'll be tough since there's a practical exam, too.』Mineta, who got 10th remarked. A sparkling aura was around him.

『T-Tenth on the midterms?!』Kaminari and Ashido exclaimed.

『And here I thought you were one of us!』Ashido shouted.

『Guys like you are only likeable if they are dumb...! Where's the demand for this?!』Kaminari asked.

『The world, I guess.』Mineta, who was still sparkling, replied.

『Ashido, Kaminari! Gambare, yo!』Midoriya, who got 6th, told them with determination.『We all want to go to the training camp together, right?』

『Yes, as class rep, I also have high hopes that you'll all be moved into action!』Iida got 4th.

『It's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class.』Todoroki said plainly. He got 7th.

『Be careful with your words!』Kaminari stated gloomily.

『Urusai.』Fang said. He got 5th.『You had better not come in the same place as me this time, Bakugou. Walk behind me.』

『YOU SHOULD NOT GIVE ME ORDERS. FOLLOW ME BASTARD!』Bakugou yelled. He got the same position as Fang, 5th.

『You don't need to be so uptight. I can help you with your studies if you want.』Boboiboy said. He got 1st. He already told Light to stop possessing him, but Light couldn't just stand his owner's stupid mistakes. Although, on his own, Boboiboy would've probably been able to get 3rd position, though.

『Boboiboy! You're my prince in shining armour!』Ashido exclaimed.

『I don't wear armour, though. That statement is for either Iida or my dad.』Boboiboy retorted.

『Arigatou, Boboiboy! You're my saviour!』Kaminari shouted.

『We can all help.』Yaya said. She and Ying both tied for 2nd. Although they glared the hell out of Boboiboy on the midterms.

Yaoyorozu got 3rd position. There is no chance to get first when you have two girls who have been fighting for first since elementary school.

『I'm not one of those two, but can I join, too? I'm having some trouble with quadratic functions.』Jirou asked Boboiboy. She got 8th position.

『Sorry, me too! How are you with classical Japanese?』Sero, coming 21st, asked.

『I'd like to join, too. There's a bunch of stuff I don't get.』Ojirou, who got 9th, said.

『Boboiboy, you'd better help me, too. We're best friends, right?』Gopal demanded. He came through as 11th.

『Ganbatte, mina!』Yaoyorozu exclaimed.

BOBOIBOY X BNHA CROSSOVER: Hero In Another World; Part 1Where stories live. Discover now