More Secrets

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The echoes had gotten louder the longer they stayed. It was above a whisper now.

No purpose.

A joke.

No talent.



The turtles began to wonder exactly how much was in Mikey's brain. They recalled the times Mikey told them something, they didn't believe him and he turned out to be right. They never took him seriously.

"I wonder if there's anything about Shredder" Raph said out of the blue.

"Hopefully not..?" Donnie chuckled nervously.

The turtles continued going through every door and seeing what was inside. They opened the next door and watched Splinter's deaths for the second time. They left with red eyes. Next door, they watched Leo get hurt multiple times, but Leo saw Mikey throw a couch on top of Rahzar, which was a pleasant surprise. The door after that was scenes of Raph yelling at/hitting/name calling Mikey and Raph left the room feeling like the biggest piece of shit on earth. The next room was scenes of Donnie getting hurt, the door after that was times Leo got upset with him, and the door after that was times Donnie got mad at him. There was one final door to go through. And none of them were sure if they were ready for whatever could be on the other side of the door.

Leo looked back at his two exhausted younger brothers and turned the knob, pushing the door open. The room was lighter than what they were expecting, it was dark, but not as dark as the rest of the rooms. The three turtles saw before them, five other turtles. They spotted the tiny Mikey, but there was a massive, spikey turtle, between Mikey and his brothers. The 6 turtles looked at each other for a minute. Before the blue one turned to little Mikey.

"Are these your brothers?" He asked kindly.

Little Mikey only nodded.

"Why don't you go to them?" The red spikey turtle added.

Little Mikey only looked up at them with full emotion.

The purple one placed his hand on Little Mikey's head and smiled. Little Mikey then went over to his brothers. He stopped in front of them, just looking up at them with mild curiosity. The echoes were louder now. They echoed inside each of the older turtle's ears, making them bring their hands to cover their ears and the other turtles looked at them in confusion. Little Mikey suddenly realized, snapped his fingers and the echoes were gone. Each of the three turtles slowly uncovered their ears and looked at little Mikey, who just smiled at them.

And at that exact moment, it clicked for all three of them. They were the voices that echoed in Mikey's mind.

Echoes - TMNT 2012 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now