I walked up the stairs and got straight into the shower, soaking up all of the warmth of the burning hot water. It was winter so it was freezing outside so I stayed in the shower, taking in all of the warmth for as long as I could. When I was finished in the shower I walked out of the room and saw something on the bed.

I approached the bed with care; who am I kidding I launched myself on the bed and grabbed the box. I opened it cautiously, untying the ribbon, then sliding the lid off and pulling back the crepe paper. Once everything was open I could finally see what was inside. I pulled it out of the box and saw it was another slightly smaller box; I opened that box and my breath caught in my chest. It was a beautiful silver necklace with bright red rubies all throughout it.

Once I had regained my breath I noticed there was a note lying on the floor, it must have fallen out of the box. I picked it up and saw it was an envelope. I turned it over and opened the envelope. I pulled out the piece of paper and the first thing I saw was my name. It said 'I've got a night of fun planned out for you, but first you must decipher clues. You're currently in a room of sleep, so where would you go to park my jeep?'

I stood up, put the necklace on and went on my way to the garage. I was walking through the pack house and it looked abandoned, even the pack grounds looked deserted. I had finally reached the garage and now I had to look for a jeep. The garage was open to all pack members so there were a lot of cars here.

After a couple of minutes of searching I finally found the jeep. I walked around to the driver's side and sitting on the seat was a teddy bear holding another note. 'That was easy you knew it was there, so for your efforts here's a bear. You solved the clue and found my car, now you must go and find the spa.'

Oh my god! I didn't even know that we had a spa let alone where it is. I took two steps outside and spotted a tiny flashing light in the distance. I walked towards it and saw that there were multiple lights all lined up in a row. I followed them until I came to an intersection. The current singular path split up into three separate paths each with a different colour light. There was a purple path on the right, a green path in the middle and a blue path on the left. The purple path is legitimately the right path, but that is too obvious. The green path would also be really obvious because green is the universal colour for correct. Therefore the only logical reason would be to go with blue.

I made my way down the blue path making sure that I stayed in between the lights on either side. Once I finally made it to the end, the lights formed a circle around the spa. I walked over and found a photo album sitting on top of another clue. 'You found the car and then the spa, but I bet you don't know where you are. You'll get the key for the album soon, but now you have to find the moon.'

I looked at the photo album and saw it had a lock around it, I guess whoever it was didn't want me knowing who they were just yet. My first instinct was to look up at the sky but when I did I saw it was covered with trees. I walked down a path for a while until I could finally see the moon through the trees.

It was a beautiful crescent moon tonight and it shone so brightly. I looked to the ground and saw a replica of the moon drawn on the pathway around a pair of gorgeous red high heels. I put the heels on and then picked up the next note. 'These you are allowed to wear, due to the fact that you're almost there. You've still got a bit of walking to do, but finding the pool is all up to you.'

Yes! I knew where the pool was so this was going to be easy. Or so I thought, I only just realised that I had no idea where I was. Everything in this pack has to link up somehow so I decided to continue on the path I was following. I eventually made it back to the pack house and started walking to the pool.

Luckily it wasn't too far away because I don't think I would be able to make it there in these shoes. The pool was officially in sight so I decided to speed up a little bit, just wanting to find out who this was. I walked in the gate of the pool and over to the lounges. Sitting on the last lounge was a bouquet of red roses with another clue sitting between the stems.

'The bells are about to chime, so here's some flowers for your time. This clue is about to harden, now you have to find the garden.' Great, this was going to be fun; there are so many gardens in this pack I am going to have a hard time finding the right one. At least they are all in the same area.

As I was walking through the gardens I kept reading the clue over and over again trying to decipher it. He said the bells were about to chime, and then he gave me red roses; that has to mean something right? I continued to walk through the gardens when I thought of the garden full of bluebells and red roses.

That's it! The bells were chiming, meaning the bluebells. I walked through the hedges and under the arch when I finally made it to the right garden. There was a little picnic table and on top of that was the next clue sitting on a box. I set the clue aside for now and focused on the box in front of me.

I pulled back the ribbon slowly, moved my hands to the side of the box and then opened it. I placed the lid down on the table, pulled back the crepe paper and lost all of my breath. Sitting in this box was the most stunning high neck, lace bodice, red dress. It was so beautiful and I couldn't stop staring at it.

Considering there was no one in the pack at the moment I stripped out of my clothes, pulled the dress out of the box and put it on. It fit perfectly and matched everything else that I had received tonight. I had finally regained all of my breath and picked up the note.

'There's no more walking forwards or back, I'm glad you've finally seen the pack. It's nice to see you safe and sound, but now it's time to turn around.'

I finished reading the note and slowly turned around. I was so anxious, my body was shaking with anticipation. I finally turned around and saw him.

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