Part Two: Til Death do us Part

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Part Two: Til Death do us Part

Katie's POV:

I watch as Justin storms off. The crows around us disperses and everyone goes their separate ways. This entire situation makes me feel uneasy. Chris hasn't shown up yet, there's no camera crew and Chef isn't here. It's all so weird. Still, all I can really think of is Justin. He ran off into the woods on his own. It can be very dangerous out there especially when you're all alone. I can't help but feel guilty for not standing up for him. Sure he can be narcissistic, and I know that he doesn't REALLY like me, but I still care about him. I turn around to face Heather and Alejandro, who are still standing there, and say, "Hey, that wasn't cool, you didn't have to go that far."

"Yeah! It's day one and we are already all fighting!" Sadie chimes in, cheerfully smiling at my side.

I turn to her and smile back, I can always rely on her to back me up. After Total Drama Island finished, I never really kept up with anyone, and I didn't need to, because I had Sadie. She's my other half.

"Whatever, we all know you're only defending him because you two find him hot. Totally desperate." Heather says before looping her arm around Alejandro's. He shrugs. They start walking away and Alejandro turns around giving us a sympathetic look.

Sadie and I stand in silence for a moment. The cabins are all full of the 19 other contestants. Everybody must be getting ready to sleep, I think to myself. Alejandro and Heather quietly enter the former 'Screaming Gopher' cabin and the door slams loudly behind them. All I can think about is Justin who's alone on the island somewhere. I quickly turn toward Sadie who's still looking blankly off into the horizon.

"Maybe we should go check up on Justin. I feel bad, he seemed really hurt," I say. Sadie shifts her feet, clearly uncomfortable. She's been strangely quiet. "Is something up?" I ask her. She never keeps things from me. Ever since we were little, it's like we have a telepathic connection. Finishing each other's sentences, sensing each other's emotions, having the same taste in guys. It is rare for her to feel strange telling me something.

"I don't know..." Sadie says, "I just have a weird feeling. I feel strange being here at camp, there's something in the air." I furrow my brow, so she feels it too, I think to myself. Sadie isn't one to take things seriously, much less be so deep in thought. I think back to when we first got off the boat and stepped onto the island. Nothing seemed that strange to me, despite the nervous feeling of seeing everyone once again. Maybe it was something else? I'm not so sure anymore. Not only have there been these strange and conflicting emotions, the memories of being here come rushing back. I was eliminated before Sadie and while she didn't outright accept the marshmallow she still stayed. I don't hold that against her, I mean it's a million dollars, but I know that had she been eliminated I would've been on that boat with her. I shake off these thoughts. I have no reason to be upset with her, I told her to go on without me. Still a part of me wishes she hadn't listened. At least she's been making it up to me since. I reach out and touch her shoulder.

"I totally get what you mean, I think we're just tired from that long boat ride. Why don't you go inside and lay down and get some rest? I can go check on Justin myself." I smile at her reassuringly. Sadie still looks uneasy and I think she's going to object to me going off alone. Instead she just quietly hugs me and walks off toward the cabins. I wave bye to her and she waves back. I notice that instead of going inside she's sitting on the steps. I guess the fresh air could also be good for her. Where could he have gone? I try to rack my brain for where Justin could possibly be. The bathrooms! I remembered a time when Justin told me that looking at himself in the mirror brought him comfort. We were at the Playa and he still was super upset over his elimination. I think back to that day.

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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