Luna's Background and profile

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Luna is the oldest daughter of Queen Nyx of Estrella , she has a younger sister named Selene. Her father died when she was young and that made her mother extremely over protective of her daughters especially since Luna will be the one to rule after her. They rule of Estrella a planet whose nights are longer than most and experience eclipses often . Princess Luna was born during a metor shower which was very rare. And Selene was born during a solar eclipse. Estrella is filled with magical forest and caves aswell as animals

Queen Nyx Estrella
Height: 5"6

Princess Selene Estrella Age: 13Height: 4"2

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Princess Selene Estrella
Age: 13
Height: 4"2

She and Luna are very close and get alone really well. Since Selene was a baby when their father died she never knew him so Luna tells her stories about him. Selene is very brave and sometimes stubborn

Princess Luna Estrella Fairy of the Moon and StarsAge: 18Height: 5"4

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Princess Luna Estrella
Fairy of the Moon and Stars
Age: 18
Height: 5"4

Princess Luna Estrella Fairy of the Moon and StarsAge: 18Height: 5"4

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Bonded Pixie: Sapphire
Pixie of Crystals

Bonded Pixie: Sapphire Pixie of Crystals

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Winx transformation

Enchantix transformation

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Enchantix transformation

Bestfriends: Stella , Aisha , Musa , Helia and Sky

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Bestfriends: Stella , Aisha , Musa , Helia and Sky

As the oldest daughter of Queen Nyx it is her responsibility to take care of her sister and her kingdom as the next queen of Estrella. She enjoys music , dancing, writing stories and riding hover bikes. She cares alot for her sister and mom and would do anything to protect them . Sometimes it is overwhelming to be a Princess of Estrella especially since her father's death her mother is more protective of her and her sister which means any signs of danger they will be in the castle away from it. And because of it Luna and her mother aren't as close . Helia is like her older brother and helps her with writing. Sky sees Luna as a sister as well because they parents are friends

Colton (Soon to be boyfriend)
Prince of Cyros
Height: 6"1
The third son of King Arthur

Luna and Colton met at the ball in the first year of Alfea and ever since then grew very close

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Luna and Colton met at the ball in the first year of Alfea and ever since then grew very close. It was obvious to both the winx and the specialists could tell but they both denied it not wanting to ruin their friendship. Helia is trying to get him to confess to her and Stella is trying to get Luna to do the same thing. He loves her deeply and would do anything for Luna he truly cares for her. His older brothers often tease him for it but his mother doesn't

Luna is shy around new people but is normally outgoing and kind . She is also extremely smart

Her powers are everything related to the Moon ad stars

She has dark blue hair and purple eyes

This is what her face looks like otherwise

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This is what her face looks like otherwise

♡I don't own Winx club ♡
♡credits to the artists ♡

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