Chapter 92

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Y/n's POV

The four of us were heading towards where the other team might be before papa rushed ahead to act as the bait for us. I was a little worried about papa since something was clearly bothering him. We ran deeper into the training grounds hoping to set up somewhere to attack the other team. We came to a stop as papa pointed out something ahead of us. I sniffed the air smelling the scent of the other team. The team wasn't too far away from us before papa rushed ahead like planned while we stayed back and started preping for the attack we had planned. As we were preparing our plan there was a scream that came from close by, but because of the echoes from the pipes and buildings I couldn't place it accurately. Mineta came floating back to us as he held onto a rope that he had his quirk on. "That scream earlier." Mineta said.

"It wasn't the three of us." Mama said.

"That's Shinso for you. I bet he's learned a lot." I said.

"He sounded close by." Mineta added.

"It's funny to think that grumpy voice screaming in a girl's voice." Mina said.

"Yeah, but we saw that with his equipment." I reminded.

"Remember to look at each other when talking." Mama said. Mina nerously laughed since she had forgotten about that before I saw Mineta's rope being tugged on. "Hey I caught something." Mineta said, looking back at the rope. As we looked up there were some nuts, bolts and other smaller piece of metal that came flying towards us. "Acid Veil!" Mina shouted, pulling Mineta back. Her acid melted the metal away which protected us from the first attack. Mina kept protecting us from the flying parts from the area around us before they grew in size. Mina had to dodge the items before mama used her quirk to make the items float. "There we're safe for a second." Mama said. After a second the parts started flying around again, except this time they were hitting things a lot harder. I took a deep breath before feeling the heat from my quirk. I shifted to my giant fox form which had the crimson red fur as it started melting everything that was flying around us. "That was a close one. Thanks sweetie." Mama said. I nodded as my fur shifted back to it's normal F/c. "Let's get moving. We need to prepare for their next attack and plan accordingly." Mama said. 

"It'll be difficult to plan a counter attack without knowing where they are." I said, turning back to myself. As I changed back something felt off, there was a feeling in my stomach that telling me papa was in danger somehow. "Mama, I'm going to find papa. Something's happened to him." I said. I rushed off as mama called for me to come back. I followed papa's scent trying to find where he was so I could see that he was okay. I got close enough to hear papa shout "run" at someone before a loud crash rang through the training field. When I finally found where papa was I saw him fly into a building while Monoma was flying away with the copied poltergeist quirk he copied. I changed to my giant fox form again jumping to the building that papa crashed into, landing inside as I shifted back to myself. "Papa!" I shouted. The dust settled as I saw papa on the floor gripping his arm as a weird black and green energy was coming out of it. I looked over seeing Shinso sitting there clearly unsure about what to do. "Get out of here. It's too much, I can't hold back this power." Papa said, looking at Shinso.

I rushed to papa's side and grabbed his arm. "Y/n, get out of here! This power feels likes it's about to explode!" Papa shouted. I shook my head as I tried to help contain the energy. After I shook my head the energy exploded out of papa's arm. I was knocked away from papa as the energy attacked Shinso and me. I shifted back to my giant fox form before jumping over papa and wrapping my tails and body around him. The energy kept attacking me before finidng a way out and pulling papa out from under me. "Papa!" I shouted, as he was pulled away. He crashed into another building as I chased after him. I caught up to him and changed back to myself as I hugged him tightly on the back. "Y/n! Get out of here!" Papa shouted again. 

"No! I want to help you!" I shouted. Mama's scent started getting close to us before I saw her floating towards us. She hugged papa from the side. "Deku. Please calm down." Mama begged. Her helmet was knocked away as it kept attacking randomly. "You've gotta calm down!" Mama shouted. The energy was still whipping us around in the air and hitting everything on the ground below us. "Run. Can't stop it." Papa said.

"His power's out of control mama! We need to contain it somehow." I said. Mama looked around before spotting something. I looked over and saw Shinso standing on a ledge where we had come from. "Shinso quick your power! Use it to help Deku!" Mama shouted. 

"Once papa is mind controlled I'll protect us from hitting the ground." I said. 

"Great thinking." Mama said.

"Midoriya! Stop playing around and fight me!" Shinso called.

"Okay!" Papa shouted. Once papa responded to Shinso the energy stopped moving as we floating there for a second. The energy returned to his arm before we started falling towards the ground. I shifted back to my giant fox form again curling into a ball around mama and papa to protect them before I started floating. "Great thinking sweetie, now get us to the ground safely." Mama said. We slowly descended to the ground, I eventually felt my tails touch the floor before I let mama and papa out from the ball I curled up in. "Deku!" Helllo! Wake up!" Mama said before slapping him. Papa opened his eyes before looking at us. "I'm sorry did the slap hurt?" Mama asked.

"Uraraka, Y/n. Get away it's too dangerous!" Papa shouted, trying to push us away. I felt tears fall down my face before I hugged papa. "No! I wanna make sure papa is safe!" I shouted. 

"It's okay, Shinso took care of you. Are you okay?" Mama said.

"Oh my gosh you're both hurt. Don't tell me it was my fault." Papa said. Monoma acme out of no where and atttacked papa. Papa managed to dodge with me as mama used her martial arts against him trying to pin him. "This battle isn't over Class A." Monoma said. The pieces of metal that he used grew in size again before striking everything around us. "Y/n it's time to work." Papa said. I let go of him and looked around and sniffed the air. "It smells like all of them are close by." I said.

"Yeah no kidding." Papa said, looking around. 

"There they are! Try and dodge this!" Mineta shouted. Mina and him came over one of the pipes and tried attacking the other team. "Midoriya, Y/n, Uraraka are you okay?" Mina asked. 

"The whole team's here now, it's a brawl!" Mama shouted. Papa, mama and I looked over the brawl that was starting before papa stopped Shinso from attacking mama.

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