Chapter 77

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Y/n's POV

I was with mama and the other girls getting ready for the concert. Mama was helping me into my dress before I heard the door open. I turned and saw Mirio standing there looking at everyone. "Hello. I've brought a friend of ours." Mirio said. I looked past him and saw Eri peeking out from behind his leg. "Hi Eri!" I shouted, excited to see her. I walked up to her and pulled her out from behind his leg. She looked me up and down before looking away from me. "Is something wrong? Is my dress on backwards again?" I asked, looking at my dress. I continued looking at it before hearing mama speak up. "Your dress is on just fine. I think Eri's not sure what to say." Mama explained. I looked at mama confused before looking at Eri. "You look pretty." Eri said. I breathed a sigh of relief before smiling at her. "Thank you for the compliment." I said. Eri just nodded before looking around. "Looking for papa?" I asked. She nodded and came out from behind Mirio's legs. "Papa's not here. He left almost two hours ago to buy some rope." I said, a little nervous.

"Hopefully he makes it back in time." Eri said. I nodded in agreement looking at the clock. After that we continued getting ready before heading to the stage that we put together. "It's almost time and papa's not here." I said, holding mama's hand. 

"Don't worry, knowing Deku he'll be here." Mama said. I nodded and smiled believing that papa would get here on time. Right as we were getting into place and the concert was about to start papa showed up and got into his place for the dance. I was standing next to mama before the lights turned off. "Here we go." Mama whispered. The curtains opened and some were cheering for us while others were not wanting it. The light behind us went off as the audience went quiet.

"Now start damn it!" Kacchan shouted.

"let's show them what we got." Kirishima said.

"Get ready UA, our sound is going to kill you!" Kacchan shouted before starting to play. The music started and all of us were starting the dance that mina taught us how to do. I was smiling and looking around seeing the auidence watching us while we were dancing while Jiro saw singing. Papa used his quirk to launch Aoyama into the air before heading up himself. Aoyama started using his quirk to shoot laser off around the gym wwhile everyone was watching. The crowd was cheering for us while everyone was preping to do what we had planned for the concert. I was using my fire to help make more sparkling effects for the concert. Tsu swung mama around as she made people float I eventually used my smaller fox form to make it out to Eri and Mirio who were watching the concert. I popped up in front of Mirio before looking at Eri who was smiling. "Eri! You're smiling!" I cheered. She looked at me with a huge smile on her face. Mirio started crying as Eri continued looking at the stage where everyone was still dancing to the music. Once the concert was done I quickly got changed and headed over to Eri and Mirio who were waiting for papa to get back from being scolded by All Might and the other heroes. "You were so amazing up there, Y/n." Eri said. 

"Thanks I did my best, but everyone else put in more effort." I said.

"You're too humble. You probably put in just as much effort as everyone else." Mirio said. After a few minutes papa came back and saw us waiting for him before Eri started talking about the concert and how it was. Mineta had papa start helping out with the clean up while Eri, Mirio and I started going around the festival and we headed to the beauty pagent which was funny to watch, but once we were done papa, Eri, Mirio and I went around enjoying the rest of the festival. Near the end of the festival mr Aizawa gathered the four of us and looked at us. "Well I've got some good news." He said. Eri and I looked at him confused before he gave us a thumbs up. "The principal approved the plan of letting Eri stay at UA so long as Y/n stays near her at all times." Mr Aizawa said. I smiled and looked at him before cheering quietly. "Really sir? We can see Eri all the time now?" Mirio asked. 

"Yes, but like I explained the deal is. Y/n goes wherever Eri goes. It's for the protection of students and teacher alike. This also means she might start taking some simpler classes while she's with everyone." Mr Aizawa explained. I smiled and looked at Eri who was stunned by the news. "Aren't you excited Eri?" Mirio asked.

"I am." Eri said, looking up at him before smiling. After that we headed back to the dorms to sleep for the night. As we walked inside the dorm the lights were off and it was quiet. "What's going on?" Papa asked.

"Maybe everyone's in bed?" I suggested. We walked into the common room before the lights were turned on and everyone jumped out from behind the couches. "Welcome home Eri!" Everyone shouted. Eri jumped a little before grabbing my hand and hiding just slightly behind me. There was a banner hanging up that they used when I came home and even a cake that was made for her. We spent part of the night talking with Eri and everyone getting to know her some before I led her to my room where a bunkbed had been put together for us. "Which do you want top or bottom?" I asked, looking at Eri.

"Can I have the top bed?" She asked. I nodded and grabbed my pajamas changing into them in our little bathroom before climbing into bed. I quickly fell asleep before waking up later to Eri crawling into my bed because of a nightmare.

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