Chapter 1

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"I can't believe you own your own island," Rachel said as we left the dock aboard the private vessel I chartered to take us to Willow Island.

I turned toward her and replied, "I cannot believe my mom is gone and now I own an island that I have never stepped foot on." I knew nothing about the existence of this place until her will was read three months ago. How do you own an island and never tell your daughter it exists?"

I turned away from Rachel to look out at the ocean. So beautiful in the morning. The sun's red and yellow glow spread across the open water. "How long is the trip to the island Luna?"

"It should take us about three hours to reach the island," I reply while still taking in the scenery. The salty air splashing on my face combined with the sunshine and light breeze was glorious. So relaxing. I could use a little more relaxation and a lot less stress.

As I looked out over the ocean I began to daydream about what the island would look like. Were there buildings, monuments, or any signs of why my mom owned this island, or what she used it for? I would have to wait a bit longer to find out. The suspense felt like it would smother me. At first, right after her passing, I considered just selling it sight unseen. Then after the initial shock, I decided I owed it to my mother to at least take a trip out there and check it out. Then I could sell it. I do not need an island after all.

What must be Willow Island began to form in the distance. We were almost there. I was beginning to feel more excited and adventurous and less burdened by the fact my mother never told me about this place. I suppose she had her reasons.

Once the captain had set the anchor I approached him to talk about the details of our stay on the island. "Okay miss all set. The boat will be right here when you get back. About how long do you think that will be?"

"I am only planning to be here a few hours so I can look around and decide what I need to do to sell the place. We will return by midday to head back to the mainland."

"That sounds fine ma'am. See you then." With that settled Rachel and I disembarked.

I turned toward Rachel once we were both standing on the sandy beach where the vessel docked. "So where to start?" I asked.

"I say we start over there," she replied while pointing towards a building in the distance.

"Seems like as good of a starting point as any other," I said as we began walking through the sandy-covered beach towards the structure we could see not too far away. "I have to admit this beach is beautiful. All the brilliant white sand. People would flock to a beach like this if they knew it existed. The fact it is out of eyeshot of the coast has probably kept it looking so nice."

"That and all of the private property signs that are posted," Rachel replies. We both laughed a little at that. Like a sign would keep people from exploring an island in the middle of the ocean that they came across. Never.

After several minutes of nothing but sand, we leave the beach and step onto a road that appears to be made from really small rocks, maybe gravel. "Hey Rachel, stop here for a second. I need to get all of this sand out of my shoes."

"That's probably a good plan." We both sat on the gravel paved walkway and removed our tennis shoes to dump the sand out and back onto the beach.

Once our shoes were back on we moved toward the towering building up the gravel path. When we reached the building all I could think was why would she need such a large building. The building in front of me was enormous. It looked like a giant log cabin except it was not painted in the traditional colors of green and red. In fact, it was not painted at all.

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