Planning the Recapture

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Percy, Zoe, and The Better Guild woke the next morning, had their breakfast at the Lakeshire Inn, and headed next door to the town hall to plan with Magistrate Solomon, who was elected the ruler of Redridge Mountains by its people to insure their safety. In the center of the townhall room, Bailiff Conacher was laying out the maps of Redridge Mountains and what seemed to be a fort on a large table. The magistrate and the Bailiff were standing at the head of the table with Percy and Zoe standing opposite of them. Elrias, Frogolir, Zeinnor, and Lauralie flanked both sides of the table.

The Magistrate started us off, "I am quite relieved that your guild actually came for my counsel on taking back the fort from those savages. Lady Prestor sent several other guilds here but they have all failed and each paid the price for their ignorance."

"We figured it would be better to talk to the locals here about the lay of the land," Ziennor responded. "Any extra information is priceless no matter how small it may be, and keeping the citizens safe is our top priority in these trying times. Is there anything about the valley that could provide us an advantage in our assault?"

Solomon gestured towards the map of the Redridge Mountains, and Bailiff Conacher pointed at a stretch of road called Lakeridge Highway and said, "This road is the front entrance to the fort. It's the easiest way into the fort, but it's a bottleneck and many guilds have lost their lives that way."

"The best way to take the fort would be to capture the areas surrounding the keep, and then launch an assault on multiple fronts," he continued. "Alther's Mill is overrun by wildlife, and bordered by Stonewatch Tower, which is filled with Orc archers and brutes. Far to the East is Renders Valley, which leads up to the Tower of Ilgalar, and is controlled by Orc warlocks who are searching for any powerful magic artifacts they can get their hands on."

Solomon let out a solemn sigh, looking at the table, "I wish Corporal Keeshan were here."

Zoe's eyebrow rose at the mention of the name as she inquired, "Who is Keeshan?"

"Keeshan is a seasoned veteran of the Alliance. He fought in the First, Second, and Third War. During the chaos of the Third War, the Orcs took advantage of the situation, invaded Stonewatch Keep, and captured it. The last anyone saw of John J. Keeshan was when he was fighting off orcs as a distraction so his comrades could evacuate the keep," Bailiff Conacher said.

Percy laid his hands on the table and asked, "Are Orcs known to take prisoners?" 

Solomon and Conacher exchanged a glance and responded, "Renders Rock! Why didn't we think of that light forsaken place? According to our intel, it is crawling with Orcs and no one has ever gotten close enough to see why. If he is still alive, he could be there. We could launch an attack  close to where they invaded. Capturing Render's Rock would cut them off from additional reinforcements and prevent them from retreating to The Burning Steppes. If Keeshan is there with any other prisoners, that's just a bonus. He knows that Fort like the back of his own hand; that intel is priceless."

Conacher took a deep breathe, "It's a gamble but it would pay off. We can't send everyone, though, we would need a small team. Render's Rock is through the valley and they are sure to have archers everywhere, so you'll need stealth and range for this task."

Laurelie, who had been silent up until this point, spoke up, "We can put a team together for that. Elrias and Miss Nightshade here can take on that task. You want stealth. There isn't anyone more suited for the job. Is there anything else?"

"We sent for a shipment of supplies and weapons from Darkshire a few weeks ago. Usually we would've gotten the shipment by now, but I fear something bad has happened. I would like to send a group to investigate," Solomon added.

Zeinnor nodded, "It's probably good we go check out Darkshire anyway. One of our mages took a job to study the Twilight Grove and he hasn't returned. Percy and myself will see to what is taking your requisition so long. In the meantime, we will leave the rest of the guild here to protect Lakeshire and your people. We will put together the teams and send them out this afternoon."


Everyone started to file out of the townhall. When I reached the exit, Elrias tapped me on the shoulder.

"Can you be ready in about two hours by the bridge?"

I nodded. He smiled and walked away. I looked around for Perseus and saw him standing on the dock, looking at the lake, enamored by the unmoving water. He looked like he was taken straight out of a painting with the way the morning sun hit his raven hair, the wind tussling his already messy hair. He looked in my direction and I saw his sea green eyes sparkle as he shot that troublemaker grin at me. I felt my face heat up, taking a deep breath to gather myself before I walked towards him.

"Perseus, what are you doing here by yourself?"  

He looked back towards the water, "Water has always helped me calm down before missions. Eases my nerves. Makes sense, ya know? Son of the Sea God and all that."  

We stood in silence for a few minutes before two children approached us. They looked to be no older than 7 or 8, and tugged on Perseus's shirt.

"Hey Mister, can you help us?" the boy asked.

Perseus dropped to one knee, putting his forearm on his thigh, "Sure thing, kiddo. What seems to be the problem?"  

The boy laughed, "My name's Shawn and this is my friend Nida and her cat Effie. I accidently dropped Nida's necklace in the lake and I'm too afraid to go in to look for it. Can you help me please?" 

Perseus put his hand on the boy's head and ruffled his hair, "Sure, I would love to help. Be back soon." 

Without hesitation, Perseus sprinted and dove off the dock into the lake. The two kids look at each other with bewilderment. The girl came up to me and poked my side to get my attention.

"Yes, little one, is something wrong? What do you need?" 

The girl had a mischievous look on her face. "Is that your husband?" 

My mouth hung open like a mail box. "Uh, no not at all. Ha..."

 I hoped my face wasn't as red as it felt. A few moments passed and Perseus emerged from the water, pulled himself back on the dock, and walked over to the girl. He pulled a necklace out of his pocket. 

"Is this the necklace you lost?" He flashed a toothy grin.

The girl jumped up and down and hugged him, "Thank you so much, Mister! You're the best!"

She looked back at me and not-so-quietly whispered, "Your wife is so pretty by the way."

She grabbed the boy's hand and ran off with her cat in tow, leaving a now laughing Perseus and myself flustered. And just like that, we were alone again. He hadn't willed himself dry yet, and the water cascaded from his hair down his face, and off his chin.

Perseus was always handsome. No one would tell you differently- except his enemies- but this is the first time I really looked at him and tried to notice the small details in his face and body language. I noticed the dimples when he smiled, his cleft chin, and the way he would run his hand through his hair and let out a deep breath when he was thinking. 

I stopped myself and turned away, my face feeling red-hot, and said, "I'm sorry, Perseus, but I have to leave. I have a mission to get too." I ran off as fast as I could to grab my bow and meet Elrias by the bridge.

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