Chapter 10

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The bed I was sleeping in was comfortingly warm and when I rolled over, the sheets snagged, tugging on something large beside me. Blinking slowly, I opened my eyes to warm, orange hued sunlight and a slight breeze wafting into the room from a parted window. It was quiet aside from the soft hum of the cricket whose presence I was gradually becoming accustomed to.

The body beside me groaned, a deep, rasping, morning rumble that made me very aware of the morning wood I was hiding buried beneath the sheets. Maseo's eyes were closed, even as he stretched, the sheets falling away to his waist, revealing dark brown skin, golden nipple piercings catching the light and his muscular torso flexing.

I stared, marvelling at his ethereal, yet masculine beauty and the sheer sexiness of his body illuminated under the light. It was safe to say that I'd never woken up beside someone who looked as sexy as he did in the morning.

I should've felt some type of shame or regret for having those thoughts, but still sleepy and subdued from last night's spanking with Reu and the best night's sleep I'd ever had beside the couple who were beginning to mean a lot more to me than they should, I couldn't find it in me to smother those pining thoughts.

It took me way too long to realise that one person was missing, however I was reminded of that fact when the bedroom door suddenly swung open and Reuben came stumbling inside, his lean arms full, precariously balancing a tray and a mound of plates.

I immediately sat up, launching off the bed to help him.

"Good morning Master Nolan!" Reuben beamed, allowing me to take the plates of food off his hands.

He was in the pair of green pyjamas I'd helped Maseo dress him in last night, a matching pair of shirt and shorts. There was a bottle of orange juice tucked into the waistband of said shorts and knives, forks and spoons - enough to arm a small class of ten - spilling out of his breast pocket.

"I made breakfast!"

"I can see that," I chuckled. He was beaming, and he looked entirely too adorable in his pyjamas with his blue hair pulled up into a sprout on the top of his head, a goofy grin on his face. The demonic Reuben from yesterday was completely subdued, though I knew he was still lurking in that boy's gorgeously clever mind somewhere.

"So sweet and thoughtful of you, boy," I told him proudly, not even trying to hide how completely smitten I was with the thought of him doing something so kind as making breakfast for us.

Reuben nodded vigorously.

"I woke up early and you guys were still sleeping and I got hungry. Then I made myself breakfast and there was this little voice in the back of my head - I think it was my stripper angel Angelo - saying that I would go to hell if I didn't make you guys some too!" He beamed, rocking back and forth on his bare feet.

"I'll be going to hell anyway, because I did some illegal shit when I was a really bad boy, and giving the devil a blowjob is on my bucket list, so it wasn't the actual going to hell part that made me decide to make you breakfast. I just wanted to. Because I'm a good boy now!"

I laughed, setting the tray on the bed beside Maseo's sleeping form. Everytime he opened his mouth I never knew what to expect from him, whether it was the foulest insulting words, the weirdest sex joke or a crazy anecdote that made me genuinely question how he'd made it to twenty-three years old alive.

But each time, that excited babbling was a treat to hear.

"Well, it's the thought that counts.Thank you, Reuben. I'm sure Daddy will appreciate it too."

Their Boy Beloved [MxMxM] (Taming His Blaze Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now